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My issues with Colonization

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  • My issues with Colonization

    Let me start by saying I was a big fan of Col 1.

    Let me also say that I like many of the new things in Col 2. Specifically, the addition of borders, the new graphics, the way Founding Fathers are now competed for between the European colonies, the fact that Indians are now separate whole nations. These are all very cool things. But as I play Col 2, some issues come a-glarin'.

    The main issue is the one of replayability. Right now I am struggling to win my first game of Col 2 at Explorer level. The struggle I don't mind...I like a challenge. But from what I am seeing from play and reading on these forums, there is basically a very narrow path to victory in this game. You pretty much have to follow that path and only that path to win.

    Yes, I have seen some minor variations, but essentially you build 4-5 settlements, half or more inland. You go builder for the first 2/3rds of the game, stockpiling horses and guns on wagons and ships. Then you max LBs in the last 3rd and get to Rev ASAP. Then you abandon the coastal cities, fight in the hinterlands, and that's about it.

    Now, you might be thinking, isn't that pretty much how it went in Col 1? Yes and no. In Col 1, there were a variety of strategies one could try. One could go Indian bashing and that was a very good strategy if you could whack the Incans or Aztecs. One could go total peace. One could build a small Colony, or one could go semi-ICS and try to overwhelm the mother country with numbers of troops.

    In Col 1, it felt like the game stood on its own. You played the first 2/3rds of the game to play the game and build your colonies. You got into fights with other Europeans and Indians. The War of Independence in Col 1, though ultimately the decisive moment in the game, was the climax, but it wasn't the end all-be all of the game.

    In Col 2, it feels like every single step you make in the game MUST be in preparation for the coming war. No longer can you afford to actually build your colonies and take simple pride in having a large functioning colony producing goods and having all sorts of factories. In Col 2, if it doesn't help with the war, it is not only not useful, but the mechanics of Col 2 make any sort of detour into colony building downright harmful. The wiggle room in Col 2 is so tight that you can't relax and have fun with the game!

    Colonization should be about Colonization. Col 2 should have been renamed The War of Independence, because that's what the game is all about, from turn 1 right through to the end. The thing I liked about Col 1 was this it was a pure builder game with a war punctuating the end. Col 2 is a pure wargame where you spend hours preparing for war. In that sense, it fails as a wargame, but in the same sense it fails as a builder game.

    What causes this? The simple fact that you are on such a tight schedule. Build LBs too early, and the game is impossible to win. Simply impossible. I have seen REFs with 300 units in them. While a game should punish someone for making bad choices, is it really good game design to have agame where if a player starts building LBs too early the game is essentially over but the player is encouraged to keep wasting time playing? Talk about a way to turn off new players!

    In addition, because of the fact that LBs now affect the REF (instead of money), you now have to walk this tightrope between producing LBs too early, or missing the window and not having time enough to win the game.

    In Col 1, the requirement was to declare independence by a certain time, and I cannot recall a single game where I could not do it, even when I wasn't really working on LBs. In Col 2, you not only have to declare, you have to win by a certain time. At the very least, that means the game can be lost due to time after the player declares independence entirely at the behest of the AI if it takes its sweet time about landing its troops.

    In fact, God forbid you sink some MOWs that are empty on the way back to Europe, because then it wil ltake longer for the REF to land in full!

    The tightness of the game means there are few optimal strategies. This means once you figure it out, that's about it for the game. Not much replayability....not like Col 1 and of course nothing like Civ 4.

    My suggestions would be:

    1. Increase the initial size of the REF, then make it dependent upon both LBs and cash, but to a much lesser extent for LBs (perhaps 25% LBs and 75% cash). I understand that the REF in Col 1 was often a joke, but at lower levels it is just too much in Col 2.

    2. Make the other colonies a bit more aggressive. Right now in Col 2 at Explorer they never attack me. I want some give and take with them. They are also highly unaggressive with their piracy. In Col 1 I enjoyed having privateer battles. You needed to build Frigates to protect your fleets. At Explorer level, at least, in Col 2 privateering has been almost non existent.

    3. DOCUMENT THE GAME BETTER! There is almost no way for a neophyte player to know that if he takes that Elder Statesman on the docks and puts it into the Town Hall, where one would naturally assume it goes) in 1499 that he is about to lose the game and waste his time playing for the next 200 turns. There is almost no way for a neophtye player to know that his standing army is actually hurting his declaration chances, or that those piioneers and colonists outside of the towns are dragging his rebel sentiment down.

    I simply cannot imagine a non-Civ 4 non Col 1 player sitting down to play this game even at the easiest difficulty level and not throwing up his hands and tossing the game after a couple of tries.

    4. Make the time limit based on declaration. Allow the War of Independence to go on for as long as necessary.

  • #2
    Another thing. I really enjoyed the Col 1 mechanism of one of the other European powers coming to your aid.

    Maybe that's a good balancing mechanism...reintroduce this and scale it to the disparity between the revolutionary forces and the REF (scaling not direct since you want to punish bad play and reward good play, but perhaps indirectly scaled).

    The intervention of the French, after all,w as THE single deciding factor of the War of Independence, and it makes sense that a power's rival(s) would want to help.

    In Col 1 you got all sorts of potantial aid....mercenaries as well. How about being able to buy Prussian and Hessian mercenary units with all that money you've saved up?



    • #3
      Your second post in particular I think I agree with quite a bit ... the possibility of an 'economic victory' via mercenaries, or a 'diplomatic victory' via European powers (or Natives) is very tempting. Would be very complex to balance, though.
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        Ok....first let me say that I am yet to buy this game, so my comments are not based on actually having played it. Bear with me. please

        It seems to me that this game was released too early, with not enough time spent balancing it. Too bad, IMHO. Why on earth would Firaxis release an unfinished game? They normally release better (though never perfect) products out of the box.

        The comments I have read so far make me think of this as a beta-release

        Im not sure what Baruk Khazad is , but if they speak Judeo-Dwarvish, that would be "blessed are the dwarves" - lord of the mark


        • #5
          Uh, duh. Aj:
          Last edited by Wiglaf; March 26, 2009, 20:59.


          • #6

            Good post, and I actually agree with a fair bit of it. But I just want to point out that a REF of 300 should be fairly easy to beat on all but pilgrim level.

            To beat a REF of 300 you only need 75-100 troops (~30 soldiers, 50 dragoons). At the highest levels you should be taking on REF's of 500.


            • #7
              Agreed, a 3 to 1 ratio is acceptable for a win, but I guess I was referring to 300 versus 30 or 40!

              Believe me, I am in no way saying Col 2 is not winnable. It is most certainly winnable. But it is only winnable in a very specific path, and that is the problem. The game needs to be opened up a bit in order to have replayability.

              I guess I said it best in one sentence in my OP. I want a builder game that has as its climax a big war, not a war-preparation game. I want to take pride in my colonies, take pride in seeing my people grow and flourish, etc.

              As a player of some of the most complex wargames in existence (Advanced Squad Leader, World in Flames) a game like Civ or Col is NEVER going to really juice my wargaming needs. They will never compare to the complex games I play...that's why I tend to play Civ and Col for the builder experience (punctuated by a good war or two of course!).



              • #8
                I think you might get a bit disappointed with Col then. Because Col is, has been and always will be, a game of the road to independance and the war.

                However, I'm sure someone will very quickly mod in other victory paths, such as economic. It's just a matter of time to be honest.


                • #9
                  My problem with the game isn't that it is about the road to independence, it's the crappy mechanic of linking liberty bells so trongly to a rapid increase in the size of the REF, to the point that you are strongly encouraged to forgo all liberty bells (and thus founding fathers) until the very end when you are all prepared for the war.


                  • #10
                    I think you might get a bit disappointed with Col then. Because Col is, has been and always will be, a game of the road to independance and the war.
                    Well, I really enjoyed and replayed Col 1 over and over again. The two games feel very different. So despite your assertion, to my mind there is a big difference, as others have stated as well.

                    It may simply be that Col 1 was more forgiving, and that allowed players the leniency to detour into other areas of the game without compromising ultimate victory. Maybe that made Col 1 too easy for those who enjoy the min/maxing aspect of the game. In that case, Col 2 is clearly a response to favour the min/maxers at the expense of the builders.

                    Alas, I fear the builder route is more conducive to sales.

                    All this aside, it will be interesting to see how the game gets modded.

                    As it stands now, the game is all about fine tuning, and once you get that algorithm in place, I am not sure why you play it again.


                    • #11
                      Have you guys tried the Snoopy/Dale patch? It addresses a couple of things you've mentioned, particularly the REF rampup.


                      • #12
                        Not yet. I always like to try a game vanilla before accepting mods. But I will try it eventually, yes.

                        I am confident that over time patches and/or mods will make the game more to my liking and a bit closer to the Col 1 experience while still improving some aspects of the gameplay over Col 1.



                        • #13
                          I would tend to agree with the OP in context and on several points in particular. To me the beauty of Col 1 was the ability to build up a great colony and 'in time' the Revolution happened, much like it did historically.

                          Admittedly, even Col 1 was about getting to and having the revolution, but it felt a lot more historical than Col 2 does to me so far. It does seem a little forced in this iteration.

                          Of course, I have only had it for a couple of days, and it is usually about v1.3 before things seem to be right anymore.


                          • #14
                            DeveinCutler speaks for me as well.

                            Dale, Snoopy, You guys seem like the only two who are apparently happy with the design of the endgame. Pretty much everyone else thinks is sucks. Why is that?


                            • #15
                              Because for me, the game is all about becoming independant. Everything in the 300 turns is a means to that end. Pure and simple.

                              I take land that is easy to defend against a outnumbering enemy. I build cities which will either generate money to buy soldiers, or generate guns to arm colonists.

                              Every colonist, every unit, every action I perform is geared towards me gaining independance.

                              For me, this game is perfect.

