Hi guys! Thanks for the patch (and mod). Already playing all my SP games with it
I realize Dale was in beta so the following might be in with good reason but I noticed more than once that when i trow goods in the sea it only takes the king one or two turns to demand extra taxes again. Maybe the 'meter' doesnt reset correctly or I did such massive amount of trading before its over the tax break again but it makes trowing things in a bit useless.
Next is a small request. When I trade with natives I cant seem to adjust the amount of goods I want to trade with them.
Anyway, ignore at will, keep the good work up

I realize Dale was in beta so the following might be in with good reason but I noticed more than once that when i trow goods in the sea it only takes the king one or two turns to demand extra taxes again. Maybe the 'meter' doesnt reset correctly or I did such massive amount of trading before its over the tax break again but it makes trowing things in a bit useless.
Next is a small request. When I trade with natives I cant seem to adjust the amount of goods I want to trade with them.
Anyway, ignore at will, keep the good work up
