Originally posted by GeoModder
Not necessarily. The Soviet Union was a nuclear power too when it collapsed. No nukes were used in that "revolution".
Not necessarily. The Soviet Union was a nuclear power too when it collapsed. No nukes were used in that "revolution".
Originally posted by GeoModder
You mentioned the beginnings of a space elevator. At present, the only suitable location for such a structure is Mt. Kenia in the Kenia (Africa). So I think its reasonable to assume a rising economic African spacepower in that area.
You mentioned the beginnings of a space elevator. At present, the only suitable location for such a structure is Mt. Kenia in the Kenia (Africa). So I think its reasonable to assume a rising economic African spacepower in that area.

The base station designs typically fall into two categories—mobile and stationary. Mobile stations are typically large oceangoing vessels,[26] though airborne stations have been proposed as well.[citation needed] Stationary platforms would generally be located in high-altitude locations, such as on top of mountains, or even potentially on high towers.[5]
Mobile platforms have the advantage of being able to maneuver to avoid high winds, storms, and space debris. While stationary platforms don't have these advantages, they typically would have access to cheaper and more reliable power sources, and require a shorter cable. While the decrease in cable length may seem minimal (typically no more than a few kilometers), that can significantly reduce the minimal width of the cable at the center, and reduce the minimal length of cable reaching beyond geostationary orbit significantly.
Mobile platforms have the advantage of being able to maneuver to avoid high winds, storms, and space debris. While stationary platforms don't have these advantages, they typically would have access to cheaper and more reliable power sources, and require a shorter cable. While the decrease in cable length may seem minimal (typically no more than a few kilometers), that can significantly reduce the minimal width of the cable at the center, and reduce the minimal length of cable reaching beyond geostationary orbit significantly.