Originally posted by Impaler[WrG]
Lastly if your wanting to have technology I'd recommend an Imperialism model in which tech is not researched (after all you control the colony and would be tasked with getting resources ware as research would be done on Earth). Instead technology becomes available at a particular year +/- a random range. You code in the target year into the UnitInfo or BuildingInfo file along with the spread and at load the game rolls the +/- component and records the hidden true year of availability. From then on its a simple check to compare the current year with that value to see if its valid to build or not. This has the advantage of creating 'Tech' without any new file or data structures or any decisions needed by the player. For UI you just need a simple Python script which will loop all the unit types and if the current turn equals their reveal turn throws up a simple "Such and Such is available to Build" screen.
Lastly if your wanting to have technology I'd recommend an Imperialism model in which tech is not researched (after all you control the colony and would be tasked with getting resources ware as research would be done on Earth). Instead technology becomes available at a particular year +/- a random range. You code in the target year into the UnitInfo or BuildingInfo file along with the spread and at load the game rolls the +/- component and records the hidden true year of availability. From then on its a simple check to compare the current year with that value to see if its valid to build or not. This has the advantage of creating 'Tech' without any new file or data structures or any decisions needed by the player. For UI you just need a simple Python script which will loop all the unit types and if the current turn equals their reveal turn throws up a simple "Such and Such is available to Build" screen.
Originally posted by Impaler[WrG] Its doable but I like the "Asteroids floating in Space" idea more, Mars colonization is typically depicted as being more self sufficient and we lose any sense of the navel side of things. Ideally both would be available as different map scripts to provide very different playing fields. Normal Colonization gets a very different feel in Archipelagos vs Continental maps.

Btw, for a "floating asteroids" type of map, would the engine allow a more fluid type of map? Like all the asteroids and planets following their orbits around a central object (the sun)?