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The Off Topic 2008 Celebrity Dead Pool

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  • The Off Topic 2008 Celebrity Dead Pool

    The Off Topic 2008 Celebrity Dead Pool – Game Thread

    “A sign of celebrity is that his name is often worth more than his services.” - Daniel J. Boorstin (1914 - )

    And they’re off! After weeks of jockeying the players have selected their teams and have lined up for the starting gun, IV’s and drug syringes at the ready. All sorts of celebs made our 2008 Dead Pool. We have old and decrepit actors and politicians, young and foolish celebs living the high life and even a few retired criminals. Many players chose “assassination bait” politicians and a few went with celebrities they just don’t like. I would like to thank most of our celebs for having the decency to wait until the game started before considering their next (and final) move.

    Thank you to all who submitted teams. I knew I couldn’t be the only poster at Poly that has a twisted sense of humour. Your entries have proven me right. We have 15 players and 184 celebrities, which is enough to run a successful Dead Pool. Your celeb “descriptions” included with your submissions were amusing to read and I must give a special mention to embalmer42 in this regard for not only telling us whom his picks were but also for mentioning in what manner many of them were going to meet their end. With that sort of insight you should be well positioned to win the Pool embalmer42. Perfection has, by far, the youngest and best-looking team. The likelihood of them perishing in the next 12 months is not so certain…

    I would like to thank Ming and SlowwHand for their help with this project. Although I have been quarterbacking the Dead Pool these two have offered valuable insight and advice behind the scenes. Their assistance is greatly appreciated as we get down to the actual game itself.

    I shall repost a condensed version of the game rules (rules applicable to the actual running of the Pool). I’ve also posted a list of players, celebs in our Pool, and team rosters (only the 20 Game List celebs are listed). Finally, you will find an attached spreadsheet of all the Pool data.

    Game Rules (abr.)

    2. A Judges Panel (Wezil, SlowwHand and Ming) will arbitrate and rule on all disputes and verify eligibility of all list names. Any decision is carried by 2 or more votes. Decisions of this Panel are FINAL.

    4. This list is to be sent by Private Message to Wezil for eligibility verification by the Panel Judges. DO NOT post your list in the thread. I will post the lists of all players at the start of the game in January. This prevents others from “poaching” your good picks. No further entries will be accepted after 31st December 2007.

    6. The Panel Judges will not determine if the submitted celebrity is currently alive. If you choose someone that is already dead you will be stuck with that celebrity on your list unless you notice and report the error prior to January 1st, 2008. If you still have available celebrities from your Reserve List one will be moved up to replace the already deceased choice prior to the start of the Pool.

    10. Points will be awarded for each celebrity that you accurately predicted would die in 2008. Points will be awarded according to the formula in Rule 15.

    11. Celebrity deaths are to be reported by the players in the Dead Pool thread (one report will suffice for all). I don’t have the time or inclination to keep track of everybody’s list. If someone on your list dies it is your duty to claim your points. NOTE: A link to an obit of some kind is required (see Rule 23b). This link must be in English.

    12. All deaths are to be reported by 7th January 2009 (to allow for any delay in media reporting). This will be the official closing day for awarding points.

    13. I'll update the thread every time someone scores points, and post an up-to-date scoreboard.

    14. At the end of the year the poster with the most points will be declared the winner. Duh.

    15. When an eligible celebrity on your list dies points will be awarded according to the following formula:

    Points = (171 - Rank) + (100 – age) + Bonus

    16. Rank points - The higher a player Ranks their pick the more points that pick will be worth. Be careful to order your list from most likely to least likely to perish sometime in 2008 if you want to make the most of their loss.

    17. In addition, bonus points will be awarded when a death meets the following criteria (points to be shared equally in the event of multiple winners):
    a) Unique Pick Award: +25 points if you were the only player to pick that celebrity.
    b) Unlucky 13 Award: +10 points for a celebrity who dies on the 13th of any month.
    c) Unnatural Causes Award: +20 points for murder, suicide or accident.
    d) Party Pooper Award: +25 points for any celebrity rude enough to die on their birthday or Christmas Day.
    e) First Blood Award: +25 points for the first celebrity to die in 2008.
    f) You Can’t Cheat Death Award: +25 points for the last celebrity to die in 2008.
    g) The Daily Double: +50 points awarded to any player who has two celebrities on their roster die on the same day.
    h) The Hat Trick: +75 points awarded to any player who has three celebrities on their roster die over the course of one week (any 7-day span).
    i) The Grand Slam: +100 points awarded to any player who has four celebrities on their roster die in the same month (any 30-day span).
    j) The Empty Casket Award: +50 points awarded at the end of the year to the player who had the longest "dry spell" between deaths.
    k) The Killing Spree Award: +50 points awarded at the end of the year to the player who has the most celebrities on their list die in a row. (That is, they score multiple points without anyone else scoring between them).
    l) Leap Into The Grave Award: +29 points awarded to any player who has a picked celeb die on February 29, 2008.

    18. The official date/time of any celebrity death is measured in the time zone that the celebrity is in when they die.

    19. In the event of a dead heat on points at the closing of the 2008 Dead Pool, the winner will be selected according to the following criteria, applied in this order:
    a) The player with most correctly chosen deceased celebrities.
    b) The player with the youngest average age of correct predictions.

    20. If a celebrity who has passed on has more than one reported age the following websites will be consulted and the age that the majority says the celebrity was would be the age used.
    i) If there is no clear majority, then the site will be the official age recorder.
    ii) If doesn't list an obituary for this celebrity, then the rest of the websites, in the order listed above, will be queried.

    21. You may not go out and “help yourself” win. Basically, you cannot kill someone on your list to give yourself more points. any list. The penalty for violating this rule, in addition to any criminal charges brought upon you by the appropriate authorities, is a lifetime ban from the Off Topic Dead Pool.

    a) "Celebrity" means someone who, upon their death, gets a written obituary in a major, mainstream media news website. A good rule of thumb is “Celebrity = Name Recognition.” The Judges Panel should be able to look at the name and say “Oh, I know who that is,” without any prompting from the player. The Judges Panel should at least be able to find many references to the individual with a cursory online search.
    b) "Obituary" simply means an article that mentions the fact that the person has died. It doesn't have to be the conventional biographical write-up.
    c) "Alive" means drawing breath, not decomposing, that kind of thing.
    d) “Dead” means dead. No irreversible coma, no vegetables. To qualify as dead, there must be an actual corpse. The death of a career (e.g. Michael Jackson) doesn't count.

    24. Ming is the Staff Contact on this project. Any attempt to squirm around the letter or intent of these rules will be met harshly and swiftly by Ming the Merciless.

    25. PRIZE: The player with the most points at the end of the year will gain title to the Grim Reaper Award 2008, an honorary title suitable as sig material with all its attendant glory.
    Last edited by Wezil; December 26, 2008, 11:48.
    "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain

  • #2
    The Players

    -Jrabbit (Vicious Rabbits)
    Deep Sleep
    embalmer42 (Embalmer Express)
    Guynemer (Calamitous Intent)
    Krill (n00b)
    LordShiva (WTF is a Dead Pool?)
    LotC (And Then There Were None)
    Ming (Mingapulco Grave Yard)
    Omni Rex Draconis
    Perfection (From the ER to the morgue)
    SlowwHand (Dallas Dwarf Tossers)
    Wezil (Canadian Cadaver Dogs)

    Celebs in the Dead Pool

    Celebrity Profession Birth Date

    Abbas, Mahmoud Politician 26-Mar-35
    Abdel-Rahman, Omar Criminal 3-May-38
    Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud Politician 28-Oct-56
    al-Duleimi, Khalil Justice
    al-Maliki, Nouri Politician 20-Jul-50
    al-Sadr, Muqtada Religion 12-Aug-73
    Ali, Muhammad Sports 17-Jan-42
    Allawi, Ayad Politician
    Armstrong, Neil Astronaut 5-Aug-30
    Ash, Leslie Actress 19-Feb-60
    Aspel, Michael TV Host 1-Dec-33
    Atkins, Sharif Actor 29-Jan-75
    Barger, Sonny Criminal 8-Oct-38
    Barker, Bob TV Host 12-Dec-23
    Barry, B. Constance Actress 29-Apr-13
    Baugh, Samuel Sports 17-Mar-14 d. 17-Dec-08
    Bell, Andy Music 25-Apr-64
    Berg, Rabbi Philip Religion
    Berra, Lawrence "Yogi" Sports 5-Dec-25
    Berry, Chuck Music 18-Oct-26
    Biggs, Ronnie Criminal 8-Aug-29
    Bin Laden, Osama Criminal 10-Mar-57
    Borgnine, Ernest Actor 24-Jan-17
    Brown, Helen Gurley Business 18-Feb-22
    Buffet, Warren Music 30-Aug-30
    Bush, Barbara First Lady 8-Jun-25
    Bush, George H. Politician 12-Jun-24
    Bush, George W. Politician 6-Jul-46
    Byars, Betsy Author 7-Aug-28
    Caesar, Sid Actor 8-Sep-22
    Cardellini, Linda Actress 25-Jun-75
    Carrington, Peter Politician 6-Jun-19
    Carter, Jimmy Politician 1-Oct-24
    Castro, Fidel Politician 13-Aug-26
    Cheney, Dick Politician 30-Jan-41
    Chretien, Jean Politician 11-Jan-34
    Clark, Dick TV Host 30-Nov-29
    Clarke, Arthur C. Author 16-Dec-17 d. 19-Mar-08
    Clarkson, Jeremy TV Host 11-Apr-60
    Clinton, Hillary Politician 26-Oct-47
    Coase, Ronald Economist 29-Dec-10
    Conte, Lansana Politician
    Curtis, Tony Actor 3-Jun-25
    DeBakey, Michael Medicine 7-Sep-1908 d. 11Jul2008
    De Havilland, Olivia Actress 1-Jul-16
    Doherty, Pete Music 3-Dec-79
    Douglas, Kirk Actor 9-Dec-16
    Dundee, Angelo Sports 30-Aug-21
    Dunn, Clive Actor 9-Jan-20
    Edwards, Anthony Actor 19-Jul-62
    Farrakhan, Louis Religion 11-May-33
    Fawcett, Farrah Actress 2-Feb-47
    Feller, Bob Sports 3-Nov-18
    Felt, Mark FBI 17-Aug-13 d. 18-Dec-08
    Ferrier, Johan Politician 5-Dec-10
    Ford, Betty First Lady 8-Apr-18
    Forsythe, John Actor 29-Jan-18
    Foot, Michael Politician 23-Jul-13
    Fox, Michael J. Actor 6-Sep-61
    Franklin, Aretha Music 25-Mar-42
    Gabor, Zsa Zsa Actress 6-Feb-17
    Getty, Estelle Actress 25-Jul-23 d. 22-Jul-08
    Grafton, Sue Author 24-Apr-40
    Graham, Billy Religion 7-Nov-18
    Griffith, Andy Actor 6-Jan-26
    Grimes, Scott Actor 9-Jul-71
    Guillaume, Robert Actor 30-Nov-27
    Hagman, Larry Actor 21-Sep-31
    Hamilton, Guy Director 11-Sep-22
    Harvey, Paul Radio 9-Apr-18
    Hawking, Stephen Scientist 8-Jan-42
    Heston, Charlton Actor 4-Oct-24 d. 5_Apr-08
    Hinckley, Gordon B. Religion 23-Jun-10 d. 27-Jan-08
    Horne, Lena Music 30-Jun-17
    Heimlich, Henry Physician 3-Feb-20
    Hofmann, Albert Scientist 11-Jan-06 d. 30-Apr-08
    Hope, Dolores Music 27-May-09
    Hunter, Tommy Music 10-Mar-37
    Innes, Laura Actress 16-Aug-59
    Jackson, Curtis ($.50) Music 7-Jun-75
    Jones, Johnny "Lam" Sports 4-Apr-58
    Jordahl, Asbjorn Politician
    Johnson, Tim Politician 28-Dec-46
    Karimov, Islom Politician 30-Jan-38
    Karuna, Colonel Criminal
    Kevorkian, Jack Criminal 26-May-28
    King, B.B. Music 16-Sep-25
    Kingston, Alex Actress 11-Mar-63
    Kissinger, Henry Criminal 27-May-23
    LaMotta, Jake Sports 10-Jul-21
    La Salle, Eriq Actor 23-Jul-62
    Lee, Brenda Music 11-Dec-44
    Levi-Strauss, Claude Scientist 28-Nov-08
    Lewis, Jerry Actor 16-Mar-26
    Lightfoot, Gordon Music 17-Nov-38
    Limbaugh, Rush Radio 1-Dec-51
    Lohan, Lindsay Music 7-Feb-86
    Lynn, Vera Music 20-Mar-17
    MacGowan, Shane Music 25-Dec-57
    Malden, Karl Actor 22-Mar-12
    Mamo, Anthony Politician 1-Sep-09
    Mandela, Nelson Politician 18-Jul-18
    Margulies, Julianna Actress 8-Jun-66
    McCain, John Politician 29-Aug-36
    McCrane, Paul Actor 19-Jan-61
    Meeus, Jean Scientist
    Megarry, Archibald Roy Business 10-Feb-37
    Michele, Michael Actress 30-Aug-66
    Miller, Mitch Music 4-Jul-11
    Minelli, Liza Music 3-Dec-46
    Ming-Na Actress 20-Nov-63
    Mitchell, Joni Music 7-Nov-43
    Molinaro, Al Actor 24-Jun-19
    Moore, Patrick Scientist 3-Apr-23
    Morgan, Harry Actor 4-Oct-15
    Muhammad, Ruby Religion 20mar1897
    Musharraf, Pervez Politician 8-Nov-43
    Musial, Stan Sports 21-Nov-20
    Nagra, Parminder Actress 5-Oct-75
    Nascimento, Edson "Pele" Sports 23-Oct-40
    Niemeyer, Oscar Architect 15-Dec-07
    Obama, Barack Politician 8-Apr-61
    Osbourne, John "Ozzy" Music 12-Mar-48
    Paisley, Ian Religion 6-Apr-26
    Palladino, Erik Actor 10-May-68
    Parker, Derek Sports 23-Jun-26
    Paul, Les Music 6-Sep-15
    Perot, H. Ross Politician 27-Jun-30
    Phifer, Mekhi Actor 29-Dec-74
    Pinter, Harold Playwright 10-Oct-30 d. 24-Dec-08
    Piper, Roddy Wrestler 17-Apr-54
    Pleshette, Suzanne Actress 31-Jan-37 d. 19-Jan-08
    Priebke, Erich Criminal 29-Jul-13
    Prince Philip Prince 10-Jun-21
    Queen Elizabeth II Queen 21-Apr-26
    Reagan, Nancy First Lady 6-Jul-21
    Rice, Ann Author 4-Oct-41
    Richards, Keith Music 18-Dec-43
    Roberts, Oral Religion 24-Jan-18
    Ramone, Marky Music 15-Jul-56
    Roberts, Jake "Snake" Wrestler 30-May-55
    Robson, Bobby Sports 18-Feb-33
    Rose, William "Axl" Music 6-Feb-62
    Rooney, Mickey Actor 23-Sep-20
    Rushdie, Salmon Author 19-Jun-47
    Salinger, J.D. Writer 1-Jan-19
    Santo, Ron Sports 25-Feb-40
    Scotti, Nick Music 31-May-66
    Sharon, Ariel Politician 27-Feb-28
    Shamir, Yitzhak Politician 15-Oct-15
    Sharif, Nawaz Politician 12-Oct-49
    Sihanouk, Norodom Politician 31-Oct-22
    Simon, Neil Playwright 4-Jul-27
    Spears, Britney Music 12-Feb-81
    Stamos, John Actor 19-Aug-63
    Steinbrenner, George Business 7-Apr-30
    Stern, Howard Radio 12-Jan-54
    Stevens, John Paul Justice 20-Apr-20
    Stringfield, Sherry Actress 24-Jun-67
    Suharto Politician 6-Aug-21 d. 27-Jan-08
    Summerall, George "Pat" Sports 10-May-30
    Sutcliffe, John Harold Politician 30-Apr-31
    Taylor, Elizabeth Actress 27-Feb-32
    Terkel, Louis "Studs" Radio 16-May-12 d. 31-Oct-08
    Thatcher, Margaret Politician 13-Oct-25
    Tierney, Maura Actress 3-Feb-65
    Van ****, Dick Actor 13-Dec-25
    Venkataraman, Ram. Politician 12-Apr-10
    Vidal, Gore Writer 10-Mar-25
    Vigoda, Abe Actor 24-Feb-21
    Visnjic, Goran Actor 9-Sep-72
    Wallach, Eli Actor 12-Jul-15
    Watson, James Scientist 4-Jun-28
    Watts, Charlie Music 6-Feb-41
    Weiland, Scott Music 27-Oct-67
    Wells, Kitty Music 30-Aug-19
    West, Shane Actor 10-Jun-78
    Williams, Michael Darren Sports 29-Jul-69
    Winehouse, Amy Music 14-Sep-83
    Wolfe, Tom Author 2-Mar-30
    Wooden, John Sports 14-Oct-10
    Woodville, Katharine Actress 4-Dec-38
    Wyle, Noah Actor 4-Jun-71
    Yogi, Maharishi Mahesh Religion 12-Jan-17 d. 5-Feb-08

    * If you note an incorrect birthdate please let me know. I suspect a couple of them are not right (and some are missing a birth date altogether) so help me out with this. Also, no complaints about the celeb descriptions (“Ann Rice isn’t an author!!”), they are what I call them. If you truly do not think someone actually belongs on the list (eligibility) I/we will hear the issue.
    Last edited by Wezil; December 26, 2008, 10:40.
    "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
    "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


    • #3
      The Full Team Rosters

      * If you notice an error with your team as posted let me know asap so I can fix it.

      -Jrabbit (The Vicious Rabbits)

      1. John Wooden
      2. Fidel Castro
      3. Dolores Hope
      4. Kirk Douglas
      5. B.B. King
      6. Studs Terkel d. 31-Oct-08
      7. Angelo Dundee
      8. Sammy Baugh d. 17-Dec-08
      9. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi d. 5-Feb-08
      10. Gordon Hinckley d. 27-Jan-08
      11. Jerry Lewis
      12. Bob Feller
      13. Arthur C. Clarke d. 19-Mar-08
      14. Ron Santo
      15. Nelson Mandela
      16. Pat Summerall
      17. Nancy Reagan
      18. Henry Kissinger
      19. Muhammed Ali
      20. Robert Guillaume

      Deep Sleep

      1. Kirk Douglas
      2. Bob Barker
      3. Fidel Castro
      4. Dick Cheney
      5. Dick Clarke
      6. Osama Bin Laden
      7. Jack Kevorkian
      8. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
      9. Nouri al-Malaki
      10. Pervez Musharraf
      11. Nawaz Sharif
      12. Barack Obama
      13. Paul Harvey
      14. Lindsey Lohan
      15. Britney Spears
      16. Yogi Berra
      17. John “Ozzy” Osbourne
      18. Stephen Hawking
      19. Chuck Berry
      20. Rush Limbaugh


      1. Fidel Castro
      2. Ruby Muhammad
      3. Ronnie Biggs
      4. Rev Billy Graham
      5. Oscar Niemeyer
      6. Yitzhak Shamir
      7. Ronald Coase
      8. Lansana Conté
      9. Erich Priebke
      10. Larry Hagman
      11. Anthony Mamo
      12. Johan Ferrier
      13. Jake LaMotta
      14. Suharto died 27-Jan08
      15. Ramaswamy Venkataraman
      16. Michael Foot
      17. Khalil al-Duleimi
      18. Ariel Sharon
      19. Dick Cheney
      20. Pete Doherty

      embalmer42 (The Embalmer Express)

      1. Tommy Hunter
      2. Amy Winehouse
      3. Nancy Reagan
      4. Warren Buffet
      5. Tom Wolfe
      6. Fidel Castro
      7. Neil Armstrong
      8. Axl Rose
      9. Sonny Barger
      10. Sue Grafton
      11. Jean Chretin
      12. Ann Rice
      13. Queen Elizabeth II
      14. Gordon Lightfoot
      15. Edson Arantes do Nascimento (“Pele”)
      16. George Bush, Senior
      17. Arthur C. Clarke d. 19-Mar-08
      18. Salman Rushdie
      19. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
      20. Neil Simon

      Guynemer (Team Calamitous Intent)

      1. Fidel Castro
      2. Henry Heimlich
      3. Jack Kevorkian
      4. Pervez Musharraf
      5. Ariel Sharon
      6. Billy Graham
      7. George Steinbrenner
      8. Osama bin Laden
      9. Jerry Lewis
      10. B.B. King
      11. H. Ross Perot
      12. Farrah Fawcett
      13. John McCain
      14. Elizabeth Taylor
      15. James Watson
      16. Aretha Franklin
      17. Muhammad Ali
      18. Louis Farrakhan
      19. Scott Weiland
      20. Barbara Bush

      Krill (Team n00b)

      1. Barack Obama
      2. Nick Scotti
      3. Michael Darren "Mike" Williams
      4. Asbjørn Jordahl
      5. John Harold Vick Sutcliffe
      6. Derek Parker
      7. Archibald Roy Megarry
      8. Brenda Lee
      9. Sir Alfred Patrick Caldwell-Moore
      10. Jeremy Charles Robert Clarkson
      11. Guy Hamilton
      12. B. Constance Barry
      13. Helen Gurley Brown
      14. Jean Meeus
      15. Katherine Woodville
      16. Peter Alexander Rupert Carrington
      17. Betsy Cromer Byars
      18. Ian Paisley
      19. Booby Robson
      20. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

      LordShiva (Team WTF is a Dead Pool?)

      1. Fidel Castro
      2. Tim Johnson
      3. Harold Pinter d. 24-Dec-08
      4. Oscar Niemeyer
      5. Arthur C. Clarke d. 19-Mar-08
      6. Ariel Sharon
      7. Islam Karimov
      8. Ayad Allawi
      9. Rowdie Roddy Piper
      10. Nawaz Sharif
      11. Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman
      12. Billy Graham
      13. Norodom Sihanouk
      14. Suharto died 27-Jan-08
      15. Vinayagamoorthi Muralitharan aka Colonel Karuna
      16. Muqtada al-Sadr
      17. Mickey Rooney
      18. Osama bin-Laden
      19. Nelson Mandela
      20. Pervez Musharraf

      LotC (And Then There Were None)

      1. Ariel Sharon
      2. Estelle Getty d. 22-Jul-08
      3. Fidel Castro
      4. Dick Clark
      5. Margaret Thatcher
      6. Billy Graham
      7. Andy Griffith
      8. Amy Winehouse
      9. Elizabeth Taylor
      10. Jerry Lewis
      11. Charlton Heston d. 5-Apr-08
      12. Bob Barker
      13. Jackson, Curtis James III (50 Cent)
      14. Barack Obama
      15. Oral Roberts
      16. Hilary Clinton
      17. Louis Farrakhan
      18. Lindsay Lohan
      19. Liza Minelli
      20. Keith Richards

      Ming (Mingapulco Grave Yard)

      1. Mickey Rooney
      2. Charlie Watts
      3. Dick Van ****
      4. Harold Pinter d. 24-Dec-08
      5. Jerry Lewis
      6. Michael Aspel
      7. Rabbi Philip Berg
      8. Shane MacGowan
      9. Chuck Berry
      10. Ronnie Biggs
      11. Fidel Castro
      12. Lesley Ash
      13. Andy Bell
      14. Rev Billy Graham
      15. Stephen Hawkings
      16. Ozzy Osbourne
      17. Jimmy Carter
      18. Kirk Douglas
      19. Michael J Fox
      20. Mahmoud Abbas

      Omni Rex Draconis

      1. Sharon, Ariel
      2. Biggs, Ronnie
      3. Jones, Johnny "Lam"
      4. Castro, Fidel
      5. Levi-Strauss, Claude
      6. Ford, Betty
      7. Felt, W Mark died 18-Dec-08
      8. Thatcher, Margaret
      9. Sihanouk, Norodom
      10. Ali, Muhammad
      11. Graham, Billy
      12. Pleshette, Suzanne died 19-Jan-08
      13. Robson, Bobby
      14. Douglas, Kirk
      15. Farrakhan, Louis
      16. Hofmann, Albert died 30-Apr-08
      17. Forsythe, John
      18. Pinter, Harold d. 24-Dec-08
      19. Kevorkian, Jack
      20. Doherty, Pete


      1. Fidel Castro
      2. Ariel Sharon
      3. Jack Kevorkian
      4. Billy Graham
      5. Margaret Thatcher
      6. Louis Farrakhan
      7. Kirk Douglas
      8. Muhammad Ali
      9. George W. Bush
      10. Jimmie Carter
      11. John Paul Stevens
      12. Betty Ford
      13. Keith Richards
      14. Gore Vidal
      15. Pervez Musharraf
      16. Dick Cheney
      17. Nelson Mandela
      18. Marky Ramone
      19. Charlton Heston d. 5-Apr-08
      20. Ruby Muhammad

      Perfection (From the ER to the morgue)

      1. Goran Visnjic
      2. Maura Tierney
      3. Mekhi Phifer
      4. Parminder Nagra
      5. Linda Cardellini
      6. Scott Grimes
      7. John Stamos
      8. Shane West
      9. Laura Innes
      10. Sherry Stringfield
      11. Noah Wyle
      12. Ming-Na
      13. Alex Kingston
      14. Sharif Atkins
      15. Paul McCrane
      16. Anthony Edwards
      17. Michael Michele
      18. Eriq La Salle
      19. Erik Palladino
      20. Julianna Margulies

      SlowwHand (Dallas Dwarf Tossers)

      1. Ruby Muhammad
      2. Fidel Castro
      3. Ernest Borgnine
      4. Billy Graham
      5. Karl Malden
      6. Eli Wallach
      7. Les Paul
      8. Kirk Douglas
      9. Olivia De Havilland
      10. Abe Vigoda
      11. JD Salinger
      12. Jake Lamotta
      13. Yitzhak Shamir
      14. Michael DeBakey d. 11-Jul-08
      15. Mitch Miller
      16. Harry Morgan
      17. Stan Musial
      18. Mickey Rooney
      19. Lena Horne
      20. Kitty Wells


      1. Ariel Sharon
      2. Fidel Castro
      3. Betty Ford
      4. Louis Farrakhan
      5. Gore Vidal
      6. Billy Graham
      7. Jack Kevorkian
      8. Zsa Zsa Gabor
      9. Clive Dunn
      10. Rowdy Roddy Piper
      11. Elizabeth Taylor
      12. Ozzy Osbourne
      13. Harold Pinter d. 24-Dec-08
      14. Tim Johnson
      15. Margaret Thatcher
      16. Charlton Heston d. 5-Apr-08
      17. Farrah Fawcett
      18. Nancy Reagan
      19. Howard Stern
      20. Jerry Lewis

      Wezil (The Canadian Cadaver Dogs)

      1. Ariel Sharon
      2. Fidel Castro
      3. Billy Graham
      4. Jack Kevorkian
      5. Al Molinaro
      6. Louis Farrakhan
      7. Jerry Lewis
      8. Tony Curtis
      9. Muhammad Ali
      10. Elizabeth Taylor
      11. Margaret Thatcher
      12. Charlton Heston d. 5-Apr-08
      13. Sid Caesar
      14. Joni Mitchell
      15. Mickey Rooney
      16. Ernest Borgnine
      17. Gore Vidal
      18. J.D. Salinger
      19. Vera Lynn
      20. Keith Richards

      I have also compiled and attached a master chart of players, pick ranks and celebrities. This chart is in MS Excel format. If anyone more technically proficient than I can attach an image of this chart without breaking the thread I would appreciate it.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Wezil; December 26, 2008, 10:45.
      "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
      "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


      • #4
        Let the Games begin!
        Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.
        "Hating America is something best left to Mobius. He is an expert Yank hater.
        He also hates Texans and Australians, he does diversify." ~ Braindead


        • #5
          If our players are even remotely accurate I would suggest Mr. Castro get his affairs in order. He was on 13 of 15 lists.
          "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
          "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


          • #6
            Castro will pull through just for Perfy.


            • #7
              Perfection (From the ER to the morgue)

              1. Goran Visnjic
              2. Maura Tierney
              3. Mekhi Phifer
              4. Parminder Nagra
              5. Linda Cardellini
              6. Scott Grimes
              7. John Stamos
              8. Shane West
              9. Laura Innes
              10. Sherry Stringfield
              11. Noah Wyle
              12. Ming-Na
              13. Alex Kingston
              14. Sharif Atkins
              15. Paul McCrane
              16. Anthony Edwards
              17. Michael Michele
              18. Eriq La Salle
              19. Erik Palladino
              20. Julianna Margulies

              Keep on Civin'
              RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


              • #8
                Originally posted by Perfection
                Castro will pull through just for Perfy.
                I presume he hasn't made a guest appearance on ER yet?
                "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." - Clarence Darrow
                "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Ming
                  Holy hell! A sextuple admin thumbs up. That's gotta be a freakin' record!
                  Last edited by Perfection; January 1, 2008, 14:07.


                  • #10
                    I don't think it is.
                    Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                    I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                    Also active on WePlayCiv.


                    • #11
                      Do you have an instance of greater admin usage?


                      • #12
                        Ming loves excessive use of smilies, but I don't have a link to such a post.
                        Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God.-Isaiah 41:10
                        I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made - Psalms 139.14a
                        Also active on WePlayCiv.


                        • #13
                          Best of luck, everyone.
                          "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                          "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                          • #14
                            Looks like I'm rooting for Henry Heimlich, Aretha Franklin, Scott Weiland, H. Ross Perot, James Watson, George Steinbrenner, Barbara Bush, and John McCain to snuff it, as no one else picked them
                            "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                            "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                            • #15
                              15 players -- most excellent!!

                              BTW, according to Wikipedia, the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who founded and popularized the transcendental meditation technique, is 90 years old, born Jan. 12, 1917.

                              Apolyton's Grim Reaper 2008, 2010 & 2011
                              RIP lest we forget... SG (2) and LaFayette -- Civ2 Succession Games Brothers-in-Arms

