Thinking that the civ3 engine is fundamentally sound, I still think that the various civ-specific traits could use just a little more variance.
So in addition to the usual one extra gold and shield per tile during a golden age.
Increase the chance of scientific leaders appearing to ten percent, culture from scientific buildings doubled
Increase the chance of Military leaders to 1/8 (1/6 with Heroic epic), one extra hitpoint for each unit
Food from city square increased by one
Less corruption, one additional extra gold from city square
Workers take one less turn to complete tile improvements, one extra shield from city square
Land units which have two in movement + workers and settlers, have movement increased by one
Two extra content citizens per city, culture from religious buldings doubled
Ship movement increased by one, one additional extra gold per coastal city square
These are only suggestions. Some might be unbalanced, while others might suffer from lack of imagination. I am especially unsure of the expansionist trait. Agricultural is such a strong trait, that I think one golden age benefit will suffice, and I could not think of another anyway.
Also consider what the effect would be on the AI civs. One would have to think twice about engaging a militaristic civ in its golden age for example.
So in addition to the usual one extra gold and shield per tile during a golden age.
Increase the chance of scientific leaders appearing to ten percent, culture from scientific buildings doubled
Increase the chance of Military leaders to 1/8 (1/6 with Heroic epic), one extra hitpoint for each unit
Food from city square increased by one
Less corruption, one additional extra gold from city square
Workers take one less turn to complete tile improvements, one extra shield from city square
Land units which have two in movement + workers and settlers, have movement increased by one
Two extra content citizens per city, culture from religious buldings doubled
Ship movement increased by one, one additional extra gold per coastal city square
These are only suggestions. Some might be unbalanced, while others might suffer from lack of imagination. I am especially unsure of the expansionist trait. Agricultural is such a strong trait, that I think one golden age benefit will suffice, and I could not think of another anyway.
Also consider what the effect would be on the AI civs. One would have to think twice about engaging a militaristic civ in its golden age for example.