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Naval transports

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  • #16
    Enriquillo, you havn't even played beta 3 have you? Man it's like KNIGHT and DAY (pun). Seriously, beta 3 is so much more polished, and it's still a month old! They got another 2 months of work basically from beta 3 so i'm sure they'll have the AI stuff worked out by then. Already in 3 i felt the AI being smoother and smarter.

    One thing i'm not sure about, villigers should NOT automatically go to work in an industry that is at the limit. Sometimes i'll create a woodcutters hut and just put 2 guys in it cause then woods at the limit, then i'll make 3 villies to put on farms, but something happens and when i come back they are gone and my wood light is going off :\
    "I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
    - UberKruX


    • #17
      Enriquillo, you havn't even played beta 3 have you?
      Nope, I got Beta 2 after signing up at the official RoN site, but never received an e-mail with my Betaplace ID

      Beta2 is ok for awhile but it's buggy and crashes regularly, also it's hard to find anyone online.
      I can't really discuss the finer points of gamebalance either, because a lot seems to have changed in Beta 3 , so most of my complaints might have been adressed already.

