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Beta Screenshots - Requests Wanted

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Anun Ik Oba
    Also, if you notice, there's an Armegeddon Counter in the upper right. This is the number of nukes allowed before the game is called a draw. In that game, which was me vs. 2 computer AI, the total counter was 12. This changes for how many players there are.
    I was wondering about that. I can see why that is a good idea. Allowing myself to compare apples and oranges for a second, it always seemed silly when you play a game like Command and Conquer after the 10th or 11th nuke is dropped. The entire area would become inhabitable for the next 1000 years at least.
    A lie told often enough becomes the truth.
    -V. I. Lenin


    • #17
      I like the counter. It adds a great touch to the game. A good way to solve MAD in a RTS game in my opinion.

      The pictures do look good, of course I don't mind seeing them.

      Just an overall question to all of you, how smart is the computer's AI? I play a lot of SP, is it going to give me a challenge without severly cheating? How much of a challenge will it be?
      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


      • #18
        Well, on 'Toughest' I got owned pretty bad, and on 'Tough' (one step above 'Normal') its doing a good job. The AI comes in with Armies! Siege weapons, and a well rounded attack force will assault your cities. Also, it regularly uses the Siege Attack, where the surounding units stand by the siege weapons and let them pummel your cities into pulp.

        So far, the AI looks great.


        • #19
          Originally posted by tniem
          I like the counter. It adds a great touch to the game. A good way to solve MAD in a RTS game in my opinion.

          The pictures do look good, of course I don't mind seeing them.

          Just an overall question to all of you, how smart is the computer's AI? I play a lot of SP, is it going to give me a challenge without severly cheating? How much of a challenge will it be?
          Well then players would launch until they had only one left and stop, i think it would be nice if it gave you an "aproximation" of the number left before armageden. Like "Armagedan: 4?" The closer you get to 0 the greater the chance of armageden, that way you really are risking something when you launch, not looking at the counter and going "oh, well there's still 2 more to go, i'll just launch one and we'll be set".
          "I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
          - UberKruX


          • #20
            That is true, but if you get so close that you are going to lose than you simply launch a set number of nukes. Hmmm, I wonder how that is limited? I actually could see that being a huge problem in MP, if it appears that a lose is evident - launch a bunch of nukes and take a draw.

            Any idea how this is going to work out?
            About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


            • #21
              I would say that if you know you're going to lose you wouldn't have 12 or so nukes laying around. Think about it - if you're losing the game already, would you have the economic power to construct enough nukes to cause Armageddon?
              I never know their names, But i smile just the same
              New faces...Strange places,
              Most everything i see, Becomes a blur to me
              -Grandaddy, "The Final Push to the Sum"


              • #22
                AFAIK nukes take a long time to research and build, so it's likely that unless the counter was very close to zero you wouldn't make it in time.

                And hey, that's another good idea, it will make the winning side use less nukes cause if they use too many it would allow the loosing side to simply cause a draw..... GOOD BALANCE!
                "I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
                - UberKruX


                • #23
                  Yes, it is possible to cause a draw by use of nukes. You could quite possibly do that.

