Something that bothered me about civ3 that it was very un-evil in its weaponry range. It's all very disney like.
In SMAC you could nerve gas people, rape their minds, labotemize entire cities, send brain eating worms after them, but 20,000 poeple to death, punish them in detention spheres, drown populations and basically be an oppressive evil bastard. Even your government could be nasty.
The cool thing about all this evil is that there were actual (UN) reprocusion of it.
Now my question is, for all of you in the know, will there be the option of being evil in RoN? I definately hope there is, because throught history part of being human is devizing evil ways of destroying your enemy. (just look at all the james bond movies
Is there gonna be any kind of UN too? Or national forum at least were multiple civs can take part in a treaty or whatever? The diplomacy is my greatest fear for RoN, because looking at the screens it seems all the worlds are tiny and quick so there won't be much millenial strategy.
In SMAC you could nerve gas people, rape their minds, labotemize entire cities, send brain eating worms after them, but 20,000 poeple to death, punish them in detention spheres, drown populations and basically be an oppressive evil bastard. Even your government could be nasty.
The cool thing about all this evil is that there were actual (UN) reprocusion of it.
Now my question is, for all of you in the know, will there be the option of being evil in RoN? I definately hope there is, because throught history part of being human is devizing evil ways of destroying your enemy. (just look at all the james bond movies
Is there gonna be any kind of UN too? Or national forum at least were multiple civs can take part in a treaty or whatever? The diplomacy is my greatest fear for RoN, because looking at the screens it seems all the worlds are tiny and quick so there won't be much millenial strategy.