Hi all!!!
Reacently on RoN Kingdom web site opened a group of Ron forums. There arent too much people there now. But it is up to you to make them bigger and more interesting. You can chat there with good people and have fun time. You can get fresh and interesting information there and become a member of one of the first RoN clan. {RKS} clan- is the best clan there is. If you become now you will take higher rank
http://ron.gamercastle.com/forums/ http://ron.gamercastle.com/
Reacently on RoN Kingdom web site opened a group of Ron forums. There arent too much people there now. But it is up to you to make them bigger and more interesting. You can chat there with good people and have fun time. You can get fresh and interesting information there and become a member of one of the first RoN clan. {RKS} clan- is the best clan there is. If you become now you will take higher rank
http://ron.gamercastle.com/forums/ http://ron.gamercastle.com/