Tell me about the scenario editor and triggers please. I've been wanting to know this for ages!
trigger (num_type(PLAYER1, "general") == 0) { player1_timer = time_sec() + general_defeat; if (player2_timer < 0) { print_game_msg("Your general has been killed! Your army will disintegrate in " + general_defeat + "seconds."); } }
trigger (num_type(PLAYER1, "general") == 0) { player1_timer = time_sec() + general_defeat; if (player2_timer < 0) { print_game_msg("Your general has been killed! Your army will disintegrate in " + general_defeat + "seconds."); } }
/******************************************/ /*************RISE OF NATIONS**************/ /***************TUTORIAL ONE***************/ /**************Big Huge Games**************/ /********Scripted by: Joshua Mitnick*******/ /*******Storyboarded by: Doug Kaufman******/ /***************July 25, 2002**************/ /******************************************/ /******************************************************* Scenario 1 - Boudicea vs. the Romans Map: A Briton village, bounded by mountains and forests. A Roman camp (obs tower and maybe a barracks) nearby. Setup: Several combat units on both sides. The Britons outnumber the Romans. The Britons have a scout, multiple slingers, and a few each of bowmen and hoplites. A Boudicea unit is in the lower left. ********************************************************/ include "scripts.bhh" scenario { // nations labels { HUMAN = 1, COMPUTER = 2, } labels { FLAG_X = 27, FLAG_Y = 50, FLAG2_X = 25, FLAG2_Y = 33, BONUS_LEGIONS_X = 35, BONUS_LEGIONS_Y = 28, ARMY_CREATE_X = 35, ARMY_CREATE_Y = 28, ATTACK_TO_X = 37, ATTACK_TO_Y = 30, } static boudicea_id = 19; // HACK!! find_unit(HUMAN, "BOUDICEAN"); static briton_id = find_city_id("Briton"); static Briton_X = object_position_x (HUMAN, briton_id); static Briton_Y = object_position_y (HUMAN, briton_id); static Legions_create_X = Briton_X; static Legions_create_Y = Briton_Y; static barracks_id = find_build(COMPUTER, "barracks"); static R_Barracks_X = object_position_x (COMPUTER, barracks_id); static R_Barracks_Y = object_position_y (COMPUTER, barracks_id); static lookout_id = find_build( COMPUTER, "lookout" ); static lookout_x = object_position_x( COMPUTER, lookout_id ); static lookout_y = object_position_y( COMPUTER, lookout_id ); static tower_destroyed = false; static barracks_destroyed = false; static army_destroyed = false; static objective_delay = 60; run_once { bubble_text_hide(); set_explored(HUMAN, ( (R_Barracks_X + lookout_x ) / 2) , ( ( R_Barracks_Y + lookout_y ) / 2 ), 10); disable_all_triggers(); set_unique_unit( "BOUDICEAN", "Boudicea" ); set_object_type_max_health( "barracks", 250 ); set_object_type_max_health( "lookout", 125 ); disable_type("Citizen"); set_music_volume(50); enable_trigger("Global"); enable_trigger("Start"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay ); } trigger Objective_Reminder( timer_expired("progress_check") && sound_finished() ) { clear_all_arrows(); draw_screen_arrow_line(200, 0, 200, 90, 10 ); play_sound("objective.wav"); if(objective_delay < 300) { objective_delay = objective_delay * 2; } else { objective_delay = 300; } set_timer("progress_check", objective_delay); enable_trigger("Objective_Reminder"); } trigger Start () { //WAV: We must remove the Romans from the lands of Briton. Lead Boudecia back to the city // where we will muster our troops to drive the Romans out. play_sound ("boudicea.wav"); enable_trigger("Select_a_unit"); enable_trigger("Select_Boudicea"); enable_trigger("Objective_Reminder"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Select_a_unit( sound_finished() ) { //WAV: "You must select a unit before you can give it orders. Move the mouse over Boudicea and left click to 'select' her." add_objective("Left click on Boudicea.", "Select_boudicea", "select_boudicea.wav"); play_objective_sound("Select_boudicea"); enable_trigger ("Select_Boudicea"); enable_trigger ("Ping_Boudicea"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Select_Boudicea( object_selected(HUMAN, boudicea_id ) ) { disable_trigger ("Ping_Boudicea"); disable_trigger("Select_a_unit"); objective_complete("Select_boudicea"); // WAV: "Well done. You can be sure you have the right unit by looking at the name of // the unit you've selected in the lower right panel. Now you can give Boudicea orders." play_sound("boudicea_selected.wav"); // draw arrow to unit display info unit_display_left = get_button_left("right_window"); unit_display_top = get_button_top("right_window"); draw_screen_arrow_line( unit_display_left - 100, unit_display_top - 100, unit_display_left, unit_display_top, 0 ); enable_trigger ("Move_a_unit"); enable_trigger ("Deselect_Boudicea"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Deselect_Boudicea( !object_selected(HUMAN, boudicea_id )) { play_sound ("lostboud.wav"); //WAV: Left-clicking on the map will clear all selections. To regain control of Boudicea, left click on her, then // right click where you want her to go.***/ set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Ping_Boudicea( sound_finished () && !object_selected(HUMAN, boudicea_id ) ) { ping_object (1, 1, 1, boudicea_id); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Move_a_unit( sound_finished () && object_selected(HUMAN, boudicea_id ) ) { clear_all_arrows(); add_objective("Select Boudicea and right click on the flag.", "Move_boudicea", "move_boudicea.wav"); play_objective_sound("Move_boudicea"); //WAV: "To move a unit, select it and then right-click on the map where you want it to go. // With Boudicea selected, move her toward the flag in the upper right. add_flag (FLAG_X, FLAG_Y); enable_trigger("Flag"); enable_trigger("reveal_flag"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger reveal_flag(sound_finished() ) { set_explored( HUMAN, FLAG_X, FLAG_Y, 5 ); } trigger Flag(object_near (HUMAN, boudicea_id, FLAG_X, FLAG_Y, 2)) { disable_trigger("reveal_flag"); objective_complete("Move_boudicea"); clear_flags (); play_sound ("at_flag.wav"); // WAV: "Very good. Now we'll guide your boudicea back to the village and rally the troops." disable_trigger("Deselect_boudicea"); enable_trigger ("Learn_scroll"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Learn_scroll (sound_finished ()) { // WAV: Briton is off the screen to the upper right. To see off the screen, move the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen and a little beyond. // This is called scrolling. Scroll to find Briton in the upper right now. add_objective("Locate Briton by scrolling to the upper right.", "Find_briton", "learnscroll.wav"); draw_screen_arrow_line (get_screen_width() - 100, 100, get_screen_width(), 0, 10 ); play_objective_sound("Find_briton"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); enable_trigger("camera_over_village"); } trigger camera_over_village( is_on_screen (object_position_x(HUMAN, BRITON_ID)-1, object_position_y(HUMAN, BRITON_ID)-1)){ clear_all_arrows(); objective_complete("Find_briton"); // wav: Very good. You found the city of Briton. Now, right click to move boudicea to the flag outside the village. add_objective("Right click to move your unit to the flag.", "Move_to_briton", "move_b_village.wav"); add_flag (FLAG2_X, FLAG2_Y); enable_trigger("Deselect_boudicea"); play_objective_sound("Move_to_briton"); enable_trigger("Knows_moving"); } trigger Knows_moving (object_near_build (HUMAN, boudicea_id, HUMAN, BRITON_ID, 8)) { objective_complete("Move_to_briton"); clear_flags(); play_sound ("boudicearejoins.wav"); //WAV: "Good work! You've successfully guided Boudica back to Briton so we can start rallying our troops. But before we attack, we must first we must find our hated foe." disable_all_triggers (); disable_trigger("Deselect_boudicea"); enable_trigger ("Global"); enable_trigger ("Learn_zoom"); enable_trigger ("Objective_Reminder"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Learn_zoom (sound_finished ()) { scrolling_lock (); /***WAV: "To see more of the map and have a better chance of locating the Romans," "zoom out by rolling the mousewheel backward (or pressing the Page Up key twice)."***/ add_objective("Roll the mousewheel back or press PageUp twice to zoom out.", "zoom_out", "learnzoom.wav"); play_objective_sound("zoom_out"); enable_trigger ("Zoom_out"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Zoom_out (is_zoomed_out ()) { scrolling_unlock (); objective_complete("zoom_out"); add_objective("Locate the Roman camp by scrolling the map to the bottom right.", "find_camp", "zoomlearned.wav"); play_objective_sound("find_camp"); //WAV: Well done. Now that you know how to zoom out, it will be easier //to locate the Roman camp. Scroll to the bottom right until you find it. draw_screen_arrow_line (get_screen_width() - 100, get_screen_height() - 100, get_screen_width(), get_screen_height(), 10 ); enable_trigger ("Find_camp"); } trigger Find_camp (is_on_screen (R_Barracks_X+10, R_Barracks_Y+10)) { clear_all_arrows(); //ping_object (1, 1, 2, barracks_id); mid_x = ( R_Barracks_X + lookout_x ) / 2; mid_y = ( R_Barracks_Y + lookout_y ) / 2; ping(1, 1, mid_x, mid_y ); add_flag( mid_x, mid_y ); objective_complete("find_camp"); play_sound ("foundcamp.wav"); //WAV: "Excellent, you've found the Roman camp. Now let's take a" //"closer look at their defenses." enable_trigger ("Mouseover"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Mouseover (sound_finished ()) { clear_flags(); ping_object (1, 1, 2, barracks_id); //WAV: Moving the mouse over anything in the game will show you the help text in the lower // left corner. Move your mouse over the Roman Barracks. add_objective("Move your mouse over the Roman barracks", "over_barracks", "mouseover.wav" ); play_objective_sound("over_barracks"); enable_trigger("Over_tower"); enable_trigger("Over_barracks"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Over_tower( sound_finished() && get_object_type_at_mouse (COMPUTER, "Lookout") ) { play_sound("over_tower.wav"); //WAV: You have highlighted the roman tower. The barracks are just below it and to the right. set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Over_barracks( sound_finished() && get_object_type_at_mouse (COMPUTER, "Barracks") ) { objective_complete("over_barracks"); disable_trigger("Over_tower"); play_sound ("overbarracks.wav"); /***WAV: "Notice the help text in the lower left--it says this building is used to produce troops. We'd better destroy it quickly! Let's get our units organized and attack!"***/ enable_trigger("scouting_complete"); } trigger scouting_complete( sound_finished() ) { play_sound("knowrposition.wav"); //WAV: Excellent! Now you know a lot about the Roman position. Let's get our units organized, and attack. enable_trigger("Attack_the_Romans"); set_timer("progress_check", objective_delay); } trigger Attack_the_Romans (sound_finished ()) { center_camera_on (HUMAN, find_military (HUMAN)); add_objective("Select all troops with a drag box.", "all_troops", "multiselect2.wav"); play_objective_sound("all_troops"); /***WAV: "You can select your whole army at once with a drag box." "Hold the mouse near your units, left-click, then drag the mouse "to create a box around all your troops."***/ enable_trigger ("All_troops"); enable_trigger ("Not_all_troops"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Not_all_troops ( (num_unit_selected (HUMAN) > 1) && (num_unit_selected (HUMAN) < num_military_units (HUMAN) )) { play_sound ("notall.wav"); /***WAV: You selected some, but not all, of your troops. Try again, and make a bigger box.***/ set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger All_troops (all_military_selected (HUMAN)) { disable_trigger ("Not_all_troops"); objective_complete("all_troops"); add_objective("Right-click to move your troops into the Roman camp.","destroy_camp", "alltroops.wav"); play_objective_sound("destroy_camp"); mid_x = ( R_Barracks_X + lookout_x ) / 2; mid_y = ( R_Barracks_Y + lookout_y ) / 2; ping(1, 1, mid_x, mid_y ); add_flag( mid_x, mid_y ); /***WAV: "Good work. You successfully selected all of your troops. Now send" "your troops toward the Roman position. If they stop close to an enemy building" "or unit, they'll attack automatically. Destroy the Roman camp. We'll teach them" "to march into our town!"***/ enable_trigger ("Deselect_army"); set_timer("deselect_timer", 1 ); enable_trigger("Destroy_camp"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Global (have_fought (HUMAN, COMPUTER)) { clear_flags (); clear_all_arrows (); scrolling_unlock (); create_unit(COMPUTER, R_Barracks_X - 4, R_Barracks_Y, "Legions", 2); if (is_trigger_enabled ("Destroy_camp")) { play_sound ("attackbegun.wav"); //WAV: "The attack is begun! To attack specific targets, select the attacking //unit and right click on an enemy. If you want a better view of the action, // you can zoom in by rolling the mouse wheel forward or pressing the page down key multiple times. enable_trigger ("See_health"); enable_trigger ("Deselect_army"); } else { play_sound ("earlyattack.wav"); /***WAV: Good work General. Apparently you don't need any help in order to conquer the Romans. Good luck!***/ clear_objectives(); disable_all_triggers (); enable_trigger ("Destroy_camp"); } objective_complete("destroy_camp"); add_objective("Destroy Roman army", "destroy_army", "alltroops.wav" ); add_objective("Destroy Roman barracks", "destroy_barracks", "alltroops.wav"); add_objective("Destroy Roman lookout", "destroy_lookout", "alltroops.wav"); enable_trigger ("Destroy_tower"); enable_trigger ("Destroy_barracks"); enable_trigger ("Destroy_army"); set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Deselect_army (sound_finished () && (num_unit_selected (HUMAN) == 0 ) && timer_expired("deselect_timer") ) { play_sound ("lostarmy.wav"); /***WAV: You have troops that are not selected who are not attacking. Select them with a left click or drag box and get them in the fight!***/ enable_trigger("Deselect_army"); set_timer("deselect_timer", 10); } trigger See_health (sound_finished ()) { play_sound ("damage.wav"); /***WAV: As the fight progresses, you can see units and buildings taking damage. Each selected unit and building has a green bar above it when it's at full strength. As they are hit by the enemy, this bar shrinks and becomes yellow and then red. When the health bar is all gone, the unit or building is destroyed.***/ set_timer("progress_check",objective_delay); } trigger Destroy_tower (building_type_destroyed (COMPUTER, "Lookout")) { tower_destroyed = true; objective_complete("destroy_lookout"); } trigger Destroy_barracks (building_type_destroyed (COMPUTER, "Barracks")) { barracks_destroyed = true; objective_complete("destroy_barracks"); } trigger Destroy_army( num_military_units(COMPUTER) < 1 ) { army_destroyed = true; objective_complete("destroy_army"); } trigger Destroy_camp (tower_destroyed && barracks_destroyed && army_destroyed) { disable_all_triggers (); play_sound ("congrats.wav"); /***WAV: Congratulations! You've leveled the Roman camp. But it won't be long before" "they'll be back in strength. We'd best be ready.***/ enable_trigger ("Bonus"); disable_trigger("Objective_Reminder"); } //========================================================== //Putting it all together=================================== trigger Bonus (sound_finished ()) { set_timer ("Help", 4); Legions = create_unit (COMPUTER, BONUS_LEGIONS_X, BONUS_LEGIONS_Y, "Legions", 1); unit_attack_order(COMPUTER, Legions, HUMAN, BRITON_ID); zoom_in_on(HUMAN, BRITON_ID); enable_trigger ("Help_out"); enable_trigger ("The_end"); } trigger Help_out (timer_expired ("Help")) { /***WAV: The vile Romans have launched a sneak attack against Briton! We must come to her aid.***/ center_camera_on(HUMAN, find_military(HUMAN) ); add_objective("Briton is under attack! Right-click to move your troops to defend the city!", "sneak_attack", "sneakattack.wav"); play_objective_sound("sneak_attack"); enable_trigger ("Reinforce"); enable_trigger("Deselect_army"); } trigger Reinforce (num_military_units (HUMAN) < 1) { create_unit (HUMAN, ARMY_CREATE_X, ARMY_CREATE_Y, "Hoplites", 7); for (i = 0; i < num_military_units (HUMAN); i++) { ID = find_military (HUMAN); unit_attack_to_order (HUMAN, ID, ATTACK_TO_X, ATTACK_TO_Y); } } trigger The_end (num_military_units (COMPUTER) < 1) { objective_complete("sneak_attack"); play_sound ("victory.wav"); /***WAV: Congratulations! You have fended off the evil Romans***/ enable_trigger("The_real_end"); } trigger The_real_end( sound_finished() ) { victory( HUMAN ); } //========================================================== }