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  • Idea's

    One way to improve the RTS world is to create an experiance system. Emire Earth had an upgrade system similar to most games. Where you can choose to upgrade armor, melee damage, range damage, etc. However, I think it would be wiser to use some what of an experiance system where with every kill a unit would go up an a arbitrarily selected attribute depending on what the unit was doing at the present time.

    I don't quite know how hard this would be to implament. Lets say a unti was taking on a lot of damage in a fight and you healed this unit. Well the same thing happends again, the unit takes a lot of hits and deals a small amount of damage to the enemy. The unit should level up in armor (there should be some kind of stats bar to see how much experiance you have in the different attribute areas). Such as, the more damage one unit does, or damage one unit takes, the better that unit will become.

    Lastley, if a unit is keeped long enough it could one day become a general/hero that would have certain aura bonus's to the units it commands. This would add a new level of depth in the game and you would feel somewhat more attached to your (vertan) units.

    I've always wanted to see something done like this, but not with upgrades (Starcraft, AoE, Empire Earth) or with hero's (Warcraft III), but with just experiance (Seven Kingdoms II). I really enjoyed Seven Kingdoms, it was a very indepth game. When one of my top units died, I was pissed. On the other hand, there was always another unit that in time could take his/her place.

    Feedback, questions, or options feel free to post.

  • #2
    maybe good but imo its will be sad if our heroes level unit coz of its stupendous experience died dring the game... but imo its hard to take care god of each unit that u have maybe we can put just only to our heroes or unique unit only... for that experience stuff

