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  • Interview: DAVE INSCORE

    Dave Inscore, RoN Art Director

    We talk with Dave Inscore on everything important in this life, from Alpha Centauri to Rise of Nations...
    Co-Founder, Apolyton Civilization Site
    Co-Owner/Webmaster, | CTO, Apogee Information Systems my non-mobile non-photo news & articles blog

  • #2
    First of all thanks to Dave for the interview. Great to read up on the coming project from BHG. Hope Dave joins us on the boards once in a while to give his take on the art direction.

    Thanks to Markos for setting this up, please give us more. Especially about the actual game play (no I am never satisfied.)

    Seeing our all new 3D game engine in action tends to dispel notions of being overly similar. Screenshots do not do the graphics or the engine justice. Watching a group of MLRS's lay siege to a city, fighter planes engaged in a dogfight, Bombers dropping their payload over a metropolis, flame throwers lighting up an enemy factory, and machine gun groups emptying round after round go a long way towards differentiating the two titles

    Glad to hear the game is going to look better in play then it does in the shots. This is even though I think it looks pretty good with what we have seen already. Kind of makes me think this game will look great. Also glad it will look updated from AoK. Would have been a hard sell if not.

    Once you calculate all of the historical units, with their various racial and ethnic variations, RoN should have upwards of 450 distinct units. As our unit lead, Bill Podurgiel can attest, this has been the biggest graphical challenge so far, but one the BHG art department is very proud of.

    450 units? That sounds good. Lots of variety. Hopefully they have enough differences to visually look different and have different impacts on game play. Those are keys in my opinion. We will soon see.

    It is an absolute joy to work on a game that captures the fast-paced elements of the RTS genre while mixing in the thoughtful depth and complexity of the turn based world (...I doubt you'll believe me when I say that response was NOT taken from a marketing memo ;-)

    You are correct. I don't believe you. I guess we will see when the game is released.

    Well currently all that is there is the website. Here's hoping that come closer to release time they will have one like the site. Would help the publicity in my opinion.

    But overall pretty interesting, if light on how the game is going to play. That makes sense since he is head of the art department. Wish Dave and the team luck. Can't wait to play RoN.
    About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


    • #3
      Did anyone else even read the interview? Anyone else want to comment on anything? There has to be someone out there that will support me in the complaint to Markos to give us an interview with someone doing the AI or something. Come on, let's here what you think on this subject.
      About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


      • #4
        Links doesn't work. Anyway, doesn't seem to be much interest in this game on the forum. Personally, I'll pay just based on the quality of SMAC. Even though I don't care for RTS.

        Don't let me down Brian.


        • #5
          Here is the interview you requested.

          Q. How is the work on the AI for RON progressing?

          AI Programmer: Really great! We've got some great new ideas for AI that we think gamers will appreciate.

          Q. Will the AI cheat?

          AI Programmer: The purpose of the AI in a computer game is not to win, but to provide the player with a challenging and interesting experience. To do that, its sometimes necessary to just give the AI a position that challenges the player even if the AI strictly speaking did not make the actual moves to get to that position.

          Q. How does combat work in RON?

          AI Programmer: Well, for combat you line up your units on the nearest open field. The AI will match you and bring up its units. Then, the two sides will fire at each other at point blank range. The beauty of this AI is that it doesn't matter if your units are ancient age, or modern with tanks and artillery. Just check out the screenshots!

          Q. Thanks for your time.

          AI Programmer: My pleasure.


          • #6
            Now that was cruel...

            I'd also like to read an interview with someone from the AI department.

            And I like to know that the game will be visually impressive. Not that it matters that much (it is a strat game, after all), but it is always nice to have some eye-candy.
            I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


            • #7
              playshogi that is not what I requested. I requested how the game is going to be played. How diplomacy is going to work, how city manipulation is going to work, those kind of things. Not much has been said on the subject.
              About 24,000 people die every day from hunger or hunger-related causes. With a simple click daily at the Hunger Site you can provide food for those who need it.


              • #8
                (from Tniem)
                There has to be someone out there that will support me in the complaint to Markos to give us an interview with someone doing the AI or something.
                I wonder if Markos knows that one of the guys doing RoN's AI is Pranas Pauliukonis (aka 'Pancake'). He previously worked on Madden 2001 (according to Voodoo Extreme).

                Now if that doesn't get Markos interested in getting us an interview about RoN's AI, I don't know what will.


                • #9
                  Watching a group of MLRS's lay siege to a city, fighter planes engaged in a dogfight, Bombers dropping their payload over a metropolis, flame throwers lighting up an enemy factory, and machine gun groups emptying round after round...
                  OMG, I'm pissing my pants - RELEASE THIS GAME NOW.

                  And by the way, if you get the chance to drop a nuke on a pesky neighbor you should be thoroughly satisfied by the resulting fireworks.
                  Ahh, like I was hoping for with Civ3

