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Brian Reynolds And Former Firaxis Stars Reborn As Big Huge Gamesâ„¢

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  • Brian Reynolds And Former Firaxis Stars Reborn As Big Huge Gamesâ„¢

    read in the Misc section

  • #2

    Big Huge Gamesâ„¢ plans to create the next generation of real-time strategy games
    I would have preferred TBS, but this might be good too...

    Wonder who's taking over at Firaxis...
    I hope Civ3 will still be good...

    Also, "Big Huge Games"? Hmmmmm... couldn't they have chosen a better name


    • #3
      So Tim Train is leaving Firaxis as well ... did I get that right?

      AAAAAUGH! So maybe the Captain (Sid) hasn't left the ship, but it seems as though all his officers are.

      So does this mean that Civ III is going to be a flop?


      • #4
        I really hope not... I'm really excited about civ3... and not necessarily about some RTS game Brian and Tim are going to make.

        btw, congrats to Apolyton on being the first to publish this news
        [This message has been edited by Narck (edited February 28, 2000).]


        • #5
          I second Slingshot fear: AAAAAARRRRGGGHHHH!

          I can't believe CIV III will be better without so many brain, in spite of anything Firaxis and optimistic fans will say to keep us happy.

          Adm.Naismith AKA mcostant
          "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
          - Admiral Naismith


          • #6
            Mark G (or Dan Q):

            You are very good at keeping us up-to-date. But do you know when we might hear from Firaxis next?


            • #7
              OH FOR THE LOVE OF...

              Well, now I've seen everything. Brian Reynolds not only bails on Civ3, he runs off and starts making real-time crapola. Unbelievable. Well, I don't play RTS and I sure don't plan to start now. I wish Brian the best in an abstract way; in a more concrete way, I wish him failure for making Civ3 less likely to be the magnificent gaming experience it ought to be. Sid, if you read this, please please please do whatever you can to make Civ3 a good game. Please please please.
              Better living through tyranny


              • #8
                Based on the type of games they claim they will produce, it seems if they will only be able to produce one game every two years. Not sure how they will make money doing this, but good luck to them, and kudos for having the balls to try. I don't play real-time, so they won't be getting my dollar.

                Sounds like they may have wanted to call themselves
                "Big Huge Gamble"


                • #9
                  The bad thing about RTS is that it always seems to be:
                  - get lots of resources, fast
                  - amass as many units as possible
                  - send them all down to the fray, and
                  oh! stupid knight! What are you doing, walking right into that wall of guard towers?

                  Oh great! There go seven more, right to their deaths chasing down some goons.

                  It seems that the victor is the one with the most units and the quickest mouse hand. Not much strategy in that.


                  • #10
                    what is missing from this picture?


                    • #11
                      I dunno, MarkG.

                      How about a listen-to-apolytoners-closely-or-die attitude? I would like to see more of that from Firaxis... especially now!


                      • #12
                        Reynolds, Train, Inscore, and Coleman. Ai-yi-yi... That's a fairly significant defection of veterans. I'm sure it will be business as usual at Firaxis, but man, that's gotta hurt.


                        • #13
                          uahh now that news hurted a lot.
                          so tim train leaves too

                          now lets count, Firaxis currently has:
                          1 CEO (Jeff Bridges)
                          1 Legend (Sid Meier)
                          9 Artists
                          1 Director of Finance
                          2 Programmer (Chris Pine, Jason Bestimt)
                          1 Assistan Programmer (Jeff Morris)
                          1 Designer (Mike Ely)
                          1 Sound Engineer
                          1 Webmaster
                          1 for Miscellaneous
                          and 1 for PR stuff

                          so we see, Firaxis has too much artists and too little programmers.
                          Also they lack of designers, they only have sid and mike and both are working on dinos, so who is working on civ3?

                          I am quite worried about the release of Civ3 and Dino.

                          At the moment with the current Staff, I dont think firaxis is able ot develop dinos and civ3 at once. I think they will push civ3 back develop dinos and then come back to civ3 afterwards. Or they hire some people, but then we maybe see something like CtP1 (the result of an unexperienced crew; I dont say ctp is bad, but...).



                          • #14
                            Who cares about programers? Make them artists as well!


                            • #15
                              I'm not worried about Civ3. . and i don't give a damn about dinos, but WHAT in hell could make all 4 of those guys leave firaxis? Brian leaving was shock enough, but all of them? As far as rts games, i love them. If you think their no stretegy in playing them, then you're missing something. . get your ass whiped online a few times, and then perhaps you'll see where you're so sorely lacking in strategy. . Concerning the name of the new company, Narck, your an idiot! Thats a great name!!> . lol
                              "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


