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Rise Of Nations: Rise Of Legends

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  • #16
    This could be called Rise of the Fall Legends, which would have a certain autumnal poetry to it, as well as abbreviating to ROFL.

    I am still a little sore that Thrones and Patriots did not include a classical China scenario, as the designers early on said they hoped to do. That got replaced by the Cold War scenario, which is fine, but I had hoped to play as Qin Shihuang.
    "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


    • #17
      Originally posted by Grandpa Troll
      I saw today Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends coming in spring of 2006.

      Anyone think it is worth it?
      I picked it up about a month ago and it is definitely worth it. I can't compare it to RoN yet since I haven't played that one yet, though I liked RoL so much I went out and bought it. It is a very well designed RTS, with good graphics and unit mix. The storyline is good as well, though it could have been implemented better in some scenarios.

      One thing I really like about it is that I can assign a particular building to a hero and have all troops produced there go straight to that character. It makes it very easy to manage my forces.


      • #18
        Doesn't that make your units vulnerable to enemy attack during transit from building to hero though? It did in RoN and TaP.
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


        • #19
          Yes it does, though IMO the convenience outwieghs that disadvantage.


          • #20
            That's what I thought. I am quite fond of that particular tactic, and many's the time that I'll hit "K home" and right click on my Patriot to get my foot soldiers to follow it around.

            However, I only play against the computer AI so that's probably how I get away with that.
            "lol internet" ~ AAHZ


            • #21
              I usually find in RoL that once I secure an area, it's usually pretty safe for my troops to travel from home to the hero. Though sometimes I have been surprised and a lost a unit or two in transit.

