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CtW - How to disable rare-resource bonus?

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  • CtW - How to disable rare-resource bonus?

    I'm not talking about the "10% cheaper whatever" but the +10 food + 10 knowledge

    Is there a way to do this?

    The closest thing I've seen is:

    < CTW_TERR_INCOME_BASE value="1" / >
    < CTW_TERR_INCOME_X value="1" / >

    Not sure if that's it though...

    The reason why I want to get rid of it, is because it makes the end game too easy, when you start with an income of +200 of everything just because of this...
    This space is empty... or is it?

  • #2
    Nope... none of those worked
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      Do you want to turn off the rare resource bonuses in Conquer the World only, or do you want to turn them off in all real-time scenarios?

      If the latter, check this file: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Rise of Nations\Thrones and Patriots\data\resourcerules.xml

      For each rare resource you'll find various attributes, which you could just zero out, or zero out the following attribute to see if it will keep rares off the map entirely:
      PHP Code:
      This may require a bit of experimenting, so be sure to backup the original files. RoN's .xml files are easily modified by opening them with either Notepad or WordPad (a fancy xml editor is unnecessary).
      Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages


      • #4
        I only want to turn them of in Conquer the World, and only for those resources on the main map... those in the game itself should still work normally...
        This space is empty... or is it?


        • #5
          For Conquer the World, go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Rise of Nations\Thrones and Patriots\conquest\CTW_World_Map_01.xml. There's a COUNTRY element for each territory on the strategic map. One of the attributes may be "rare" if the territory contains a rare resource.
          PHP Code:
          <COUNTRY name="Yukon" ... rare="Silver"
          I suggest you try editing out all the rare="blah" attributes from the COUNTRY elements.
          Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages


          • #6
            That would be a solution... but I would still like the bonuses (like 10% cheaper units, 1 extra farm per city, etc)
            This space is empty... or is it?


            • #7
              I'm confused. You would still like to retain the bonuses from the rare resources on the strategic map?

              My above suggestion for editing the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Rise of Nations\Thrones and Patriots\conquest\CTW_World_Map_01.xml file should not affect rares appearing in the individual RTS scenarios.

              You could go back to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Rise of Nations\Thrones and Patriots\data\resourcerules.xml file and edit the individual bonuses up or down as you like. That should affect the bonuses both in the RTS scenarios and in CtW.
              PHP Code:
              DESC>#ICON23 Age advancement cost reduced by $NUMBER0%.</DESC> 
              The bonus types and numbers are easy to change. The special bonus here, reduced age advancement (15%), pulls its value from some other file, but I don't know where.
              Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rohag
                I'm confused. You would still like to retain the bonuses from the rare resources on the strategic map?
                Ok, I'll try to explain again

                Let's say I have two territories (one of them is the start territory). The second has e.g. the bears as a resource.
                What I want it that when I start a new conquest game, I start with the 25% cheaper military tech, but I don't want to start with the 10 food and 10 wood (or whatever it gives... I never remember)

                It shouldn't change anything about the resouces found in a game... the resources in the game (with a merchant) should still give the 10 food and 10 wood (or whatever)

                For some reason I doubt this is possible though
                This space is empty... or is it?


                • #9
                  For some reason I doubt this is possible though
                  I see. If it's possible, I don't know how. My modding experience doesn't go beyond the .xml and .bhs files, which are easily manipulated, and I'm unaware of any RoN modding that has changed the basic code.

                  You're right; changing the resourcerules.xml file would affect both CtW and regular games.

                  Have you considered nation-modding to achieve the effects you want?
                  Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages


                  • #10
                    Nation modding? How could that make this possible?
                    This space is empty... or is it?


                    • #11
                      Re: CtW - How to disable rare-resource bonus?

                      The reason why I want to get rid of it, is because it makes the end game too easy, when you start with an income of +200 of everything just because of this...
                      If you have a preferred nation, you might disable advantages/unique units it has in the later ages. That would partially offset the advantages of accumulated strategic map rares.

                      If I have a sudden brainstorm on this, I'll post it. Sorry...
                      Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages

