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Path 4

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  • Path 4

    Is it just me, or does that patch make some weird (stupid) changes?

    It makes the worst nations in the game even worse


    - Spanish scouts lose line of sight bonus
    - Spanish goodie boxes now give +26 resources instead of +35 for each science tech

    The Spanish are useless enough as it is now... the only notable nation powers they have are the revealed map, the extra scout, the scout line and the goodie boxes bonuses, and those are not exactly great powers (except the revealed map), but now they've made 2 of those worse


    - Maya Building Timber bonus reduced to 20% from 33%
    - Maya Building HP bonus reduced to 20% from 50%
    - Maya Building speed bonus reduced to 20% from 50%
    - Maya arrows fired from buildings down from 2 to 1

    From what it looks like here, they've reduced all nation bonuses from this already underpowered nation
    This space is empty... or is it?

  • #2
    Doh, just noticed the topic title is path instead of patch
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #3
      it's the patch for RON , not for expansion pack,
      so it means a little fix to make the rules of RON somehow like T&P.

      Spain and Mara are overpower nation in RON 1.03, I think.

