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  • Favourite

    I know mayans and spanish are the most powerful nations and if i am playing rated i will play one of them but for favourite it has gotta be mongols+nubians

    Raiding with mongols is fun and ppl who dont know how to handle raids usually give up and also getting raiding on the 2:30 mark can really piss u off

    And nubians on a 3v3 or 4v4 map just boom like theres no tomorrow espicially on amazon or great sahara

    and just for the record nubians dont increase the special bonus that rare resourses give just the resource amount

  • #2
    For now it seems like the Bantu is pretty powerfull. The 100% increase in population limit is very powerfull, while city building is much faster also
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    • #3
      Also with Bantu you dont need mil research 4 units (only 4 mil buildings). Eg HA without mil2, offensive ships with NO mil...etc

      lots of potential 4 this civ


      • #4
        I just* had a quick peek at the tournament on some other side, and it seems like most of the players who's still in the game was playing as Mongols... Seems like a powerful Civ...

        *means a few days ago
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