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RON sound problems

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  • RON sound problems


    I'm hoping for some help here. RON played just fine on my computer an HP xl876. Windows Me, nvidia 32mb card, generic sound card, 256 ram, and dirctx 9b. Then I went and foolishly upgraded to a Geforce 5600 card. There were installation problems, windows was reinstalled, and I also added an addition 256 ram.

    Now, however, there's a lot of sound distorition during the game. Not in the menu screen or intro movie, just within the game.

    I've turned off hardware acceleration on the sound tab, and also tried to add that "-sws3Dsound" to the target line as suggested at the site. None of this helps.

    Any ideas about how to get the sound running right?


  • #2
    Man, I'm a broken record, but have you ran through the RON patch and Vidcard driver updates? I'm assuming that you're not having this problem with other games.
    cIV list: cheats
    Now watch this drive!


    • #3
      Hi Matt!

      Thanks for responding so quickly. Yes, the vidcard drivers are up to date, and the game has been patched with the third patch. And no, I'm not having trouble with Warcraft 3, Frozen Throne, Freelancer, Age of Titans, GalCiv, or any other game. It's so weird, because it was working fine before the windows reinstall.

      I'm gonna do a reinstall tonight but beyond that I haven't got many ideas.

      Thanks again,



      • #4

        reinstall didn't really help. Changing the resolution seems to have made it an intermittent problem in that some game sounds have a weird distorted echo, and some don't.

        But hey, the sound still isn't good. Now, when I had a problem with Warcraft3, Blizzard had a faq that cured it right up. No such help from Big Huge. Hope that's not harsh, but all my other Microsoft games run fine.

        Comeon, help me please, It's a great game but not without sound.



        • #5

          maybe this link will help
          Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer


          • #6
            thanks flash9286

            while the link you suggested ended up leading to a "page on available" page, I did check again, the known issues for RON. No luck there, I"m afraid.

            Still, thanks for trying to help.



            • #7
              edit, sorry cant get link working sorry couldnt be more of a help
              Kids, you tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try. -Homer


              • #8
                Working link.
                I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


                • #9
                  I also have sound problems.Microsoft want $35 to fix it. No way im gonna pay that since its a game bug. Sound fine in startup was jerky until installed Media player 9. Now ok. No sound once game loads. Game plays ok just no sounds. Tried the tips even though they say for Xp . My son has a lower spec PC and it works fine on his. Im at a loss please help.

                  P3 1000MHZ
                  Microstar MS 6318 Motherboard
                  133MHZ Bus
                  383MB SDRAM
                  Nvidia Geforce2 MX/MX400
                  Creative Soundblaster Live!
                  Windows 98 Ver 4.10.2222A.


                  • #10
                    Thanks Skanky,

                    however, this was actually the first place I looked. I tried whatever was feasable and it didn't really help. I don't know what else to do. The poor sound quality has kinda influence me to stop playing RON. I'm playing Halo with no problems, and Massive Assault, which is a great game. No doubt I'll come back to RON, but not for awhile, and probably won't buy the expansion pack.

                    thanks for your efforts though,


