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Custom Scripts in Patch 3 / Auto-Pause

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  • Custom Scripts in Patch 3 / Auto-Pause

    I just experimented with the auto-pause script last night in a single-player skirmish/"Quick Battle" game.

    How to Load a Script
    *Extract the scripts to the RoN Scenario folder if you haven't already done so.
    *Start the game and go to the Quick Battle setup screen.
    *In the upper right-hand box you'll find a "Rules" pull-down menu. Select "Custom." This grants you access to the rules options pull-down menus in the following box.
    *At the very bottom of that box is a "Script" menu that allows you to select whatever custom scripts you've loaded.

    In the case of the auto-pause script, it imposes five seconds of pause after every five seconds of game. Your regular pause button will still work, but the script overrides it after five seconds. The script is easily modifiable, so you could set it to ten seconds of pause after each 30 seconds of play or whatever (or so I imagine).

    At first it drove me nuts. Then I started to get used to it and found myself making use of some of the tactical and other options I'd usually ignore. I think I prefer this way of slowing the game to adjusting the game speed, but more experimentation is required...

    I'm guessing custom scripts of different types could be used to modify the game slightly without having to do a whole mod. Also, it seems possible to create compound scripts – with their own names – to affect several different game parameters at once, but more experimentation is required...
    Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages

  • #2
    In your post you state that the auto pause script is easily modifable. Do you know where I can find out how to do so? Does it require any special programs? Thank you for any help you can give me.

    All My Best,

    Jeff Sutro
    All My Best,

    Jeff Sutro


    • #3
      Hi JeffS! Dusting away my creeping senility, here's some stuff to get you started – and no, you don't need any special program not already on your computer.

      All of RoN/RoN-TP's scripts are “.bhs” (= “Big Huge Script”) files and are easily opened and modified with Windows' Notepad or WordPad. You can find the auto_pause.bhs script here (default installation):

      C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Rise of Nations\Thrones and Patriots\scenario\Scripts\Auto_Pause\ s

      After navigating to the file, right click on it and choose Open or Open With. I think Windows won't have a clue what to use and will ask you what program you want to use to open auto_pause.bhs. Choose “Select program from a list” and then go with Notepad or WordPad. If you are concerned about preserving the original file, I recommend you save it as auto_pause_orig.bhs or similar and then later save your modified version as auto_pause.bhs.

      This is a fairly short script, and the critical lines come near the beginning:

      //Play duration: Time (in m/s) for how long to play before pausing
      //Default: 5000 = 5 sec
      static int play_duration = 5000;

      //Pause duration: Time (in m/s) for how long to remain paused before resuming game
      //Default: 5000 = 5 sec
      static int pause_duration = 5000;

      The comments (lines begun with //) say the numbers are in milliseconds and that the default game flow is therefore five seconds of play followed by five seconds of pause. You are free to edit either or both of the 5000s (= 5 seconds), multiplying by 1000 to set the number of desired seconds. Be careful not to change any of the other words or punctuation with your edits.

      Beyond those simple changes, you can find excellent resources at the BHG RoN: Thrones & Patriots site downloads page. The Scenario Editor Docs (325kb zip file) is a large package and contains a document listing all (?) the available script functions.

      Happy editing!
      Rohag's RoN & Etc. Pages


      • #4
        That does sound simple. Probably simple enough that even I can do it correctly. I will give it a try. Thank you for your help.

        All My Best,

        Jeff Sutro
        All My Best,

        Jeff Sutro

