**I've posted this message on a lot of sites, so if you have seen it before, that's probably why**
A LOT of people are interested in adding walls to Rise of Nations, and I have to agree that, if done properly, it would make the game more fun and also add to the game's profitibility. Here are my suggestions:
- You can't build walls unless you already have built a fort in the city's radius. In other words, walls require a very large investment.
- Once built, walls automatically surround the city's radius. Whether you use villagers to construct them or not does not matter to me personally. Walls will never exist outside a city's radius.
- In the earlier ages, walls could consist of wooden pallisade. Later on, they can increase to stone, and then heavy stone. These types of walls should either have gates, or you can choose to built gates on any section of the wall.
- In later ages, walls could become trenches and barbed wire, and later on become sandbags and razor fence. The gates could either disappear and allow easier entry or simply become gates more appropriate to the new wall type.
- Having walls in a city should decrease its economic produce by something around 25%. Maybe some civilization could decrease this effect.
- Towers built into walls could have an increase in the number of hitpoints and generally look much cooler
- Archers/Riflemen should be able to walk along the walls for the coolness factor and maybe a +x to their defence, where x is related either to the level of the wall, or a seperate research that can be researched at the wall. Any towers that are connected to the walls are also available to the archers on the wall if they'd like to garrison instead of firing from the wall.
- The dynamics and advantages of walls should change from Age to Age, as I have suggested below:
- In the earliest ages, walls prevent the rush. It should not be too difficult to construct one barracks, a set of walls, and then wait until you see enemy spearmen before you pump out some archers to defend your city.
- Once seige engines are introduced, walls are less useful for preventing attacks, but they can prevent scouts and spies from entering your base since these units would have to be micromanaged to enter your city. Example: your opponent would literally have to wait outside your gate until it opens before they could send in their spy. You could easily position a scout or a lookout tower in the wall to discover the spy, also.
- In the final ages of the game, scouts and spies should gain the ability to climb walls without much/any hassle. The usefulness of walls in these ages is greatly reduced, and it might even benefit the player to get rid of them to gain the 25% production back. An alternative idea I have for the information age is a wall research (maybe a special wonder?) called "Clandestine Operations" which would cause all of your walled cities to constantly spawn the black, unexplored cloud overhead so your enemy cannot see what is going on inside, unless they have an actualy unit there or an informer. In my opinion, this ability should supercede the ability of the Space Program Wonder.
- A new wonder, called "The Great Wall" that actually creates a doubly-thick wall around your entire nation. I don't know what to suggest about where the gates should go, or wether archers should be allowed on it.
There are my 2 cents worth...
=$= Big J Money =$=
A LOT of people are interested in adding walls to Rise of Nations, and I have to agree that, if done properly, it would make the game more fun and also add to the game's profitibility. Here are my suggestions:
- You can't build walls unless you already have built a fort in the city's radius. In other words, walls require a very large investment.
- Once built, walls automatically surround the city's radius. Whether you use villagers to construct them or not does not matter to me personally. Walls will never exist outside a city's radius.
- In the earlier ages, walls could consist of wooden pallisade. Later on, they can increase to stone, and then heavy stone. These types of walls should either have gates, or you can choose to built gates on any section of the wall.
- In later ages, walls could become trenches and barbed wire, and later on become sandbags and razor fence. The gates could either disappear and allow easier entry or simply become gates more appropriate to the new wall type.
- Having walls in a city should decrease its economic produce by something around 25%. Maybe some civilization could decrease this effect.
- Towers built into walls could have an increase in the number of hitpoints and generally look much cooler

- Archers/Riflemen should be able to walk along the walls for the coolness factor and maybe a +x to their defence, where x is related either to the level of the wall, or a seperate research that can be researched at the wall. Any towers that are connected to the walls are also available to the archers on the wall if they'd like to garrison instead of firing from the wall.
- The dynamics and advantages of walls should change from Age to Age, as I have suggested below:
- In the earliest ages, walls prevent the rush. It should not be too difficult to construct one barracks, a set of walls, and then wait until you see enemy spearmen before you pump out some archers to defend your city.
- Once seige engines are introduced, walls are less useful for preventing attacks, but they can prevent scouts and spies from entering your base since these units would have to be micromanaged to enter your city. Example: your opponent would literally have to wait outside your gate until it opens before they could send in their spy. You could easily position a scout or a lookout tower in the wall to discover the spy, also.
- In the final ages of the game, scouts and spies should gain the ability to climb walls without much/any hassle. The usefulness of walls in these ages is greatly reduced, and it might even benefit the player to get rid of them to gain the 25% production back. An alternative idea I have for the information age is a wall research (maybe a special wonder?) called "Clandestine Operations" which would cause all of your walled cities to constantly spawn the black, unexplored cloud overhead so your enemy cannot see what is going on inside, unless they have an actualy unit there or an informer. In my opinion, this ability should supercede the ability of the Space Program Wonder.
- A new wonder, called "The Great Wall" that actually creates a doubly-thick wall around your entire nation. I don't know what to suggest about where the gates should go, or wether archers should be allowed on it.
There are my 2 cents worth...
=$= Big J Money =$=