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Set Ending Age?

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  • Set Ending Age?

    I'd like to make a mod that would impose additional restrictions on advancing to the next age in a regular "Quick Battle".

    Specifically, I wanted age research to be disabled until a certain number of towns has been conquered, so that players would be forced to actually build & use some military at early ages.

    However, that doesn't seem to be possible with the scripting language. I found a "get_ending_age" function that gets the current ending age of the game, but there doesn't seem to be a corresponding set_ending_age function, nor any other way to prevent players from advancing to the next age.

    Anyone have an idea how to do this? Or maybe Firaxis could implement such an option in the next patch/expansion?

  • #2
    you could posibly set a trigger so that when somthing happens it will change the max age.


    • #3
      Yeah, but the thing is, how do I change the max age? There doesn't seem to be a function for that...


      • #4
        I know that there is a way, but because I am still trying to work all of the bugs out of a major mod I am makeing I am unable to play the game. I will get back to you once I find out what it wrong.


        • #5
          Thanks, any help would be appreciated.


          • #6
            i am currently working on a mod which includes this feature already, eg b4 empire up (cvivic) must upgrade alliegnce n taxation (temple) which are activated from first civic city state

