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How to disable Age advance

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  • How to disable Age advance

    I am making some colonnial era scenarios.
    The scenario will cover ages: Middle to age of enlightment, but i want one of the sides to not be able to reach the enlightment age, only the gunpowder age.

    I have created a script putting the following in the "run once" part:
    disable_tech(4, "enlightenment");

    which didn't work.
    Then I tried:

    disable_tech(4,"Levee en Massee");

    Which In figured would not let player 4 reach the enlightment age because for that you need that "Levee en Massee" technology.
    But this is not working either.

    Does anyone have a better idea?

    Byt the way, the player is green coloured, that's why I use "4" to identify it as per the manual.
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  • #2
    another way is if u are willing to mod the game...just set all the tribe masks for the techs u want to 0 to disable them in techrules.xml
    Are you down with ODV?

