I really need help, I find I'm having difficulties beating the AI on Easy when I'm playing CTW... I started out as Japan and invaded Korea in my first turn. Only in the last several minutes was I able to completely waste their capital... I mean, come on, it's the Easy AI, and it took me THAT long? What is a good building order to quickly knock out the enemy?
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I'm an absolutely worthless rusher...
Play a few open games to get a feel for playing, and experiment with all the different types of units.
What I find best for myself is to concentrate on building up my economy first, having a single tower (early on) towards where the enemy would likely come from, and then just expanding my territory, technology and resource gathering abilities. Once all of those are doing well, I start building up my military. A group of artillery type units to take out enemy towers, forts and cities. A group of cavalry units to flank the enemy, taking out their archers, generals and supply wagons. A group of standard infantry (light, heavy, archer) to actually keep the enemy occupied and away from my artillery. This group should have at least one supply wagon and at least one general.
Once these armies are set up, it should be a simple matter of rolling through the enemy territory and crushing all who oppose you. But practice makes perfect.I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).
I have found that using 2 generals is benificial. The defence bonus that they give to your troops does not stack (unfortunently) but it can be a lifesaver to use 2 general abilities in sequence. Example: an army approaches an enemy city under the cover of the general's 'ambush' ability. The army fails in taking the city and excapes b/c the 2nd general uses his 'forced march' ability to pull the attacking army out of the conflict. (Or, as the assult on the city is carrying out, the 2nd general uses the 'forced march' ability so that the troops can respond faster in battle (helps with flanking/responding to new threats (very useful when used with the capital sneak attack method b/c you will have enemies coming from all directions)) and is thus able to take the city.
Looks like your talking about the Conquer the World campaign game. Korea is tough as it is a water crossing invasion. You can accomplish a rush by researching the science1 and commerce1 techs at the library first thing. You can cross over then with your initial army and capture the second city, though there will be a fair counter-attack as you took a bit of time on the tech reseach. While your attacking research military1 tech so you can put up towers and barracks as soon as it assimilates. You will have basically accomplish two goals early on in the game; limited the Korean economic build-up and secured a base close to the capitol.
From there you build up for the final assault. you'll need around 6 catapults, a dozen of each of the three foot unit types, and a mixed group of a dozen calvary to raid their military building area (AI always groups their military building), and a general or two. Once you take the capitol infinite queue your barracks and set the units to go to the captured capitol. Take your attack force line up between the city and the Korean military compound. Sit back and watch the timer expire.
As far as tech progression, complete out the first collumn tech and go for military2 to up your population limit. I rarely get to the third line techs on the first turn, so can't comment on what to do tech-wise beyond this."The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
Originally posted by StampOnIt
thx for the help guys i never really thought about flanking enemy units with cavalry, or using supply wagons... damn i suckOh well, thx for the tips, I'll put them into practice and see how they work out