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Carriers- yeah!!

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  • Carriers- yeah!!

    Is it just me, or are carriers one of the best units in the game? I normally build carriers instead of bombers or fighters, unless i need the fighters to protect one of my wonders. They obliterate any ship, building, or unit, especially in groups of five. Just build 5 carriers, select them all, then press Alt+F to select all fighters on board. Then just give those fighters a hotkey, and viola!- you have a group of 35 fighters to wreak havoc virtually anywhere on the map. The sheer numbers of the fighters can overwhelm any AA defense, unless your opposition loves fighters. I usually build an excess of 12 carriers on any sea map. All you need to protect them are some subs and anti-sub units. The carriers' fighters can obliterate any heavy ship, so you don't have to worry about naval bombardment. Plus, if you absolutely suck at naval battles like moi, then you can take the battle to more familiar... um.... ground- the air.

  • #2
    Yes if you can get together that amount of carriers they do of course rock, but you got to remember they are trying to do the same to you (especially on the higher levels). I've seen a 2v3 Carrier to Carrier air2air battle. It was the most insane thing I've ever seen. I should post that replay, if I ever find it considering I have like 50+ already

    Using them to replace the annoying and timeconsuming system of building fighters and bombers at airbases is advasiable but the only problem is that land based bombers do a HELL of a lot better killing buildings (especially the B-52/Tu-26 and B-2 models) and as fighters land based fighters chew up the carrier planes. The only thing I've found CVW (carrier airwings) good at (and I mean REALLY good at, it can certainly do the other things but the land based stuff do it better) is strafing ground troops in a air support role and attack heavy ships.

    So all and all on a naval map a CVW can take care of all your airborne needs, but I still build a balance of Fighters to guarantee my troops are not be straffed (and to make sure my Fighter-Bombers are not be shot down by land based aircraft). Bombers from airstrips are great at taking out enemy Wonders, Forts, Bunkers, air defense (with B2s) and reducing cities (so land based artillery can support you infantry and armor).

    Hope this helps... The anwser for a question nobody asked...
    "War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."


    • #3
      yeah, this belongs in the general section, doesn't it?

