I find the explanation given very confusing. Does a tower garrisson power of 1/3 mean only the 2 garrisonned units will get an attack or do all units get an attack and you can also increase the fire rate of the tower? Do garrisonned units get their counter bonuses? What kind of damage do forts and towers do, do they have any counter bonuses?
No announcement yet.
Garrison damage
the 1/3 means that the max garison rate of fire is 3, and the current rate of fire is 1. As you put more units inside it (infantry and civlians are the only ones that up garison power) the rate of fire increases. Ranged infantry work best (think machine gunners are the absolute best, adding 2 to garison power)."I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
- UberKruX
I got it figured out. Its rather complicated, the short version is you definitely want as many units as it takes to max out the fire rate, after that your much better with the units outside but of course garrisoning them if they are about to die. Iv'e gotten pretty good at rotating units out of towns and towers now that I know how it works. Slingers are great for garrisonning in ancient and classical, I find i can usualy avoid the the classical unit upgrades and wait for medieval.