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Making more Wonder of World cards available in CTW

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  • Making more Wonder of World cards available in CTW

    I realised that in the rules.xml file there is a line that says: CTW_MAX_WONDER_CARDS value="1"

    meaning that you can only buy ONE wonder cards. I changed it to a higher number and was able to buy more of these cards.

  • #2
    How bout making more cards available......and also more cheaper...since if you dormant a turn you'll only get 25 tributr(at first)....any way of doin it


    • #3
      That 's easy.

      Try to hex your save with hex editor.

      1) search for your name : my name is Roh so its first character is R = 5200

      2) look upward your name until you see previous player name. Look dow for each binary (about 3 lines) you will see 1900 that is your tributes (19base16 has value = 25 in base10) then change to FFFFFF (or whether you like).

      3) save and exit.

      Card hexing

      1) from previous hexing you will have much tributes then buy any cards (I buy only mercenaries) and then save and exit.

      2) open your save with hex editor then find your name and look upward for FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0x(x is number)
      then change to
      01 = wonder
      02 = sabotage
      03 = Eureka
      04 = Economic Boom
      05 = Mercenaries
      06 = Treachery
      07 = Great Thinker
      08 = Merchant Guild
      09 = Logistics
      0A = Partisans
      0B = Cultural Dominance
      0C = Trade Embargo
      0D = Propaganda
      0E = Skill Bonus

      or something like that.

      please excuse about my english 'coz I'm not native speaker.

