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How can you "keep formation" as you march on towrd a target?

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  • How can you "keep formation" as you march on towrd a target?

    Everyone breaks rank, and I'm lookjg for a way to keep them in formation.

  • #2
    Just shoot anyone who breaks rank. That'll keep 'em in line.
    Radeon 9600 XT 256MB, Soundblaster Live! 5.1, WinXP SP2, 2.4GHz P4, latest Catalysts, Civ4 DX9


    • #3
      Yeah this is what you do.

      1. Set your units to "hold position" stance. If you don't know what this is, you should activate "advanced commands" and then click the red button in your units button set until it is a picture of a guy with an arrow pointing downwards.

      2. Right click and hold the right mouse button down. Rotate the circles so they are lined up the way you want and then rotate the arrow (pull on the mouse a little to see the arrow more) until it faces the way you want your men to face. Release.

      3. Let your men assemble.

      4. When you want them to advance forward in rank press "F" or click the "Forward" button.

      - PTM


      • #4
        thats a good way, u can also do is have ur military follow the general (or supply wagon)... they tend to keep their formation

