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Bigger Maps

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  • Bigger Maps

    When I had Empire Earth me and my friends would play what we called a "Cold War" game. This means that about 5 or 6 of us would all be nations and build cities and empires and form alliances and build huge militaries. We would use diplomacy to avoid war and sometimes WW1 situations would become week long stalemates (Possible due to the wonderful EE multiplayer save feature). Anyway as you would imagine we were all really excieted when we heard about RoN. It was perfect for us ....real nations with special benifits.... a much better "Information age" (The modern age in EE sucked). ICBMS to add to the arms race affect. I can't say that I'm disappointed but we all agreed that RoN just didn't feel the same and didn't provide as much fun as Empire Earth did for us. I tried to think what could cause us to not have as much fun then I figured it out. The reason we love playing it is because we love to have countries but the "Big Huge" map size is incredible small its about half the size of the EE "Gigantic" map size. I feel like I own Palastine instead of the Soviet Union. Please add bigger maps!!!

  • #2
    I've only played on the 3rd largest map, it's pretty damn big... How big do you want maps?
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #3
      I think the Big Huge map was like 100^2 right? I think the largest map you can get, by editting game rules and such, is 140^2. It'd be nice if they implemented a map that was 160^2, reachable without modding, and then allowed a map size moddable to 200^2.


      • #4
        Edit Game Rules?

        How can I edit game rules to make the maps bigger?

