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Is RON CPU limiting or Video Card Limiting? BHG please comment

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  • Is RON CPU limiting or Video Card Limiting? BHG please comment

    Hello could someone from BHG or any guru out there comment on whether RON performance is limited by CPU speed or video card speed. As it stands currently, RON the trial version is sluggish on my system with average 15-21 FPS, this is with about 50 units active, I can imagine with 100+ the FPS is going to drop like stone and I will be watching the slug. My system is Duron 1Gz, 512MB RAM, Geforce 2 MX 32 MB. I am thinking of change the processor to 1.7Gz while keeping everything else same (with an Athlon XP 2100+), but I am not sure whether this is going to make a dent or it will just be a waste of money. Any comments are appreciated.


  • #2
    I'd upgrade the graphics card first. It is the primary thing that will improve your framerate. If your ram is DDR, it should be sufficient; if its SDR, double it (hell, double it even if you have DDR). Then I'd worry about the processor.


    • #3
      I use an Athlon 1Ghz, 512Mb RAM and GeForce 4 Ti 4600. I get ~40 FPS. Personally, I would upgrade the graphics card first as well. It will improve performance on many games including this one.
      I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


      • #4
        Is it a PCI or an AGP graphics card? PCI cards suffer big speed drawbacks.
        Some cry `Allah O Akbar` in the street. And some carry Allah in their heart.
        "The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing, unless its own interests are served. They are the biggest assembly of liars and theives this country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination" Deputy COS (Intel) US Army 1981-84


        • #5
          It's an AGP card. I believe that Athlon 1Gz is faster than Duron 1 Gz, also I have DDR RAM. More comments please, BHG? Also I wonder when Game publisher is going to be honest with their system spec., it should be called "minimum so that you can watch it craws" system requirement. I just don't get the logic. I really wonder what kind of game play and enjoyment someone is going to get if that person has the system meeting the minimum spec.? I means I looked at the box, it does not even have the recommended system spec.! Sorry for the rant!


          • #6
            Athlon is faster, but I also have SDR rather than DDR.
            I'm building a wagon! On some other part of the internets, obviously (but not that other site).


            • #7
              yes, in the system you listed, the video card is significantly slower than everything's a huge bottleneck. get a gf4 and you'll be fine...

              don't upgrade to a faster athlon...just save your money and get a p4


              • #8
                P4? Please... its like twice more expensive for maybe a tiny tiny bit more performance.


                • #9
                  If he gets the new chipset with the 800 MHz FSB, it will certainly not be just a "tiny tiny bit more performance".

                  However, even though I have a P4 3.0C w/ 1 GB DDR, I still average 60 fps in RON, and that is not considering the FPS tanking down to 1-2 sometimes (which seems to be a problem with a lot of people - there is a thread in RON-Bugs). I have seen people post that they are gettin 120 FPS - lucky them.


                  • #10
                    I'd say the game is definitely video card limited. Also Radeons seem to do much better than GeForces on this game. BTW the Geforce 2 MX was a pos when it was new, I don't see how you can play this game at all with that. However considering how a 2400 is less than $75 might as well do that too. You didn't say what your budget was but it sounds like its not too high. I'd get a Radeon 9500 ($135) and the fastest Athlon that will run on your motherboard (don't forget to update your bios to see what the newest multipliers are). You do buy all your stuff online right? I recommend NewEgg, good luck.

                    Here's a chart that shows a GeForce2 MX and an Athlon 1000 ( Way at the bottom).

                    A Radeon 9700 and an Athlon 2700 is 1100% faster than what you have now.
                    Last edited by Grond; June 20, 2003, 05:22.


                    • #11

                      Thanks guys for all the helpful suggestions. I am truly on a budget. I got a Geforce4 MX440SE w64 MB DDR yesterday (cheap: 65 cdn dollar ~ 45 us dollar) and noticed that the graphics is noticeably faster; however, the framerate is now constant at 21, instead of increase like I would have expected. Before, with Gf2 MX, I would get 15-17 FPS but dropping to 10-12 in some cases (lots of units etc.) but now I get 21-27 fairly constant no matter what the units. It looks like I am hitting the processor limit. My next item is to go to Athlon XP 2000+, the highest my motherboard can support. Radeon 9500 is not available here where I live, and even if it is available, it's likely going to be close to 300 $cdn, much more than gf4 MX440+Athlon XP+ combo (165 $cdn). If a twice as fast gf4 upgrade gave me 5 FPS addition, then I suspect upgrading the CPU is going to give me at most a stable 5 FPS more for a sustained framerate of 30-35 same as watching TV or a movie. The funny thing was that as I turned every graphics details low yesterday, I still get 21 FPS, so I don't get it. Anyway, I will have to decide. I wish someone from BHG could comment on this issue too bhg_paul? Thanks

                      P.S. I think that asking an average person to go out and buying a faster system for a game is way too much. The logical step was not to buy the game period. If this is the trend of PC games, RON is probably the last game that I would buy, since my system is fast enough already for my day to day home computing task. Let's just hope that RON's replayability is good.


                      • #12
                        Btw, Thanks Grond for the link, it was very helpful. After seeing the chart, I will have to seriously think about the CPU upgrade, since it does not make a different with the gf4 MX that I have. But then I will be upgrade from a Duron to an Athlon and not just the clock speed difference, any info or comments on that? Thanks


                        • #13
                          It depends on your motherboard but your system is really starting to show its age now. The GeForce4 MX is really not enough of an improvement to be worth the money, the video card is still what is holding you back. If you want to get as much performanc out of your cpu as possible then a Radeon 8500 or Feforce 3 500 is what you need but I would really recommend saving up and doing both, the performance boost you could get out of an Athlon 2400 and a Radeon 9500 Pro is definitely worth the money.

                 has the Radeon 9500 Pro for $137

                 has the Athlon 2400 for $74


                          • #14
                            the game, i think, is probably more gfx card limiting. that's what seems to be causing the most problems here, not so much the cpu or the ram.

                            the card should have at least 16mb video ram, and try to make sure it's capable of being used by directx9.


                            • #15
                              DanDun: Return your MX card if you can. Get a Geforce4 TI series card. The MX are slower than then GeForce 3's. DOn't buy ATI, they suck.
                              To us, it is the BEAST.

