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The problem is DirectX9.0a not RoN?

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  • The problem is DirectX9.0a not RoN?

    I write little programs as a hobby. There's a big drop of performance when I use Direct9.0a.
    • DirectDraw before DX9.0a: 200+ fps.
    • DirectDraw after DX9.0a: 3-5 fps. Yes only three to five frame per second.
    • Direct3D (DX9.0a): 35 fps.

    I don't know whether this is only my computer or DirectX9.0a. DirectX9 was fine. I'll check more thoroughly when I have time.

    If I'm not mistaken, only RoN uses DX9.0a. Warcraft III uses DX8.

    Could the problem be DirectX 9.0a? BHG may have only DX9 not DX 9.0a so they don't notice.

    Just trying to approach from a different angle here.

  • #2
    That might be it - I don't remember having FPS problems before I downloaded DX9.0a. I wonder if everyone in the FPS thread has downloaded 9.0a?


    • #3
      Well the first troubleshooting advice was download the latest DirectX and drivers. Everyone would be using DX9.0a by now.

      When people installed DX9.0a they assume all the programs use only DX9.0a which is not true. DX9.0a still retains the interface / code / function / (whatever you call it) of some previous version (DX7 & DX8), for backward compability. Otherwise games developed using DX8 won't work.

      Of course I can be wrong. We need to compare RoN with other game that uses DX9+ interface not DX8.


      • #4
        A very old game called X Wing vs TIE Fighter (developed by LucasArts) was working fine on my computer until I installed DirectX from RON.

        Now even though I've ripped RON out of my system like a fetid sore, DirectX is well and truly arsing up my .DLL files.

        LucasArt's game refuses to run.

        If it was a choice between RON and XvT, I'm afraid XvT wins hands down. Now the big question is how can I get Microsoft's evil avatar out of my computer so I can play my favorite game again?

        Moreover, how can I be sure that future Microsoft tat can never ever bugger up my system again?
        "lol internet" ~ AAHZ

