[The basic idea of this RON mod is to slow everything down so that you can take a breath with each research and new age, turning it into more of a civ-game feel with long-term play. To play a game through all ages to the end may take days but that's the whole point.
This MOD is designed to play with the tech level at standard and the difficulty level set at least to tough (otherwise the AI appears too lame).
The main change is a cost increase for all tech research (except unit upgrades) and age research by a factor of 10. Also a speed slowdown by a factor of 10 except age research which is a factor of 100! Look upon age research as a long-term project - you may want to make sure you have more than one library before researching a new age.
Also the cost of Wonders is now also 10 times more than it was before.
Commerce cap now start at 100 and +100 per commerce research.
Population cap now starts at 50 and continues +50 for each military research.
I believe these changes bring more signifiance to wonder, land and civilization bonuses. Having something that decreases the cost/speed of research for instance now has more meaning. Also, still keeping caps at a reasonable level (instead of just allowing an over-the-top level) does the same thing. Need a higher cap? Save up to build the appropriate wonder or go scouting.
You can now build 6 farms (8 if Egyptian) in a town, +1 for each city level increase. I avoided the temptation to go for (say) 10 farms per city because it often means that you don't need to build more farms in a new city. Also, this gives more emphasis on fishing and, once again, special bonuses found on your scouting expeditions.
Speaking of scouts, there is one other significant change. Scouts/Eplorers/Commandos/Special Forces/Elite Special Forces are now built at a Lookout/Air Defense Gun. I felt this change gave the Lookout something more significant to do, particularly in the early ages, since it was too easy to just wait till Military 1 and then build a tower. Also, you can build more scouts early on without having to build a Barracks.
Strategy: The first research you will most likely want to do is Commerce 1. This gives you a dock, market, and a commerce level increase and costs relatively less than the other techs. Also, you will most likely want to get to Commerce 2 to take advantage of buying and selling on the market. I think you are gonna need it for this one.
This MOD is designed to play with the tech level at standard and the difficulty level set at least to tough (otherwise the AI appears too lame).
The main change is a cost increase for all tech research (except unit upgrades) and age research by a factor of 10. Also a speed slowdown by a factor of 10 except age research which is a factor of 100! Look upon age research as a long-term project - you may want to make sure you have more than one library before researching a new age.
Also the cost of Wonders is now also 10 times more than it was before.
Commerce cap now start at 100 and +100 per commerce research.
Population cap now starts at 50 and continues +50 for each military research.
I believe these changes bring more signifiance to wonder, land and civilization bonuses. Having something that decreases the cost/speed of research for instance now has more meaning. Also, still keeping caps at a reasonable level (instead of just allowing an over-the-top level) does the same thing. Need a higher cap? Save up to build the appropriate wonder or go scouting.
You can now build 6 farms (8 if Egyptian) in a town, +1 for each city level increase. I avoided the temptation to go for (say) 10 farms per city because it often means that you don't need to build more farms in a new city. Also, this gives more emphasis on fishing and, once again, special bonuses found on your scouting expeditions.
Speaking of scouts, there is one other significant change. Scouts/Eplorers/Commandos/Special Forces/Elite Special Forces are now built at a Lookout/Air Defense Gun. I felt this change gave the Lookout something more significant to do, particularly in the early ages, since it was too easy to just wait till Military 1 and then build a tower. Also, you can build more scouts early on without having to build a Barracks.
Strategy: The first research you will most likely want to do is Commerce 1. This gives you a dock, market, and a commerce level increase and costs relatively less than the other techs. Also, you will most likely want to get to Commerce 2 to take advantage of buying and selling on the market. I think you are gonna need it for this one.