Musings of a long time lurker. 
Question for the BHG folks. How hard would it be to allow the EXE to run as a dedicated server only. I have done some fooling around just on the lan here and found that the game hosted by a low power computer that runs 'F' Graphics options seems to do quite well at hosting games on the lan. (I park my dedicated computer in the corner and we have a agreement around here not to take out the Host. He gets his own team and players tend to get mad when he gets the race they want. Who said force random was boring. :P )
The next logical thing would be to disable the need to render graphics entirely. Is this feasable/possible in the current .ini structure or would it require a major code change?
Another nice feature would be to spawn a child that could run as a dedicated process on another box. Graphics mode would be disabled of course but could be implimented like the old Warcraft "Spawn a copy" process (which I wish more comapnies did...but that's better off discussed somehwere else.)
Thanks for the time.

Question for the BHG folks. How hard would it be to allow the EXE to run as a dedicated server only. I have done some fooling around just on the lan here and found that the game hosted by a low power computer that runs 'F' Graphics options seems to do quite well at hosting games on the lan. (I park my dedicated computer in the corner and we have a agreement around here not to take out the Host. He gets his own team and players tend to get mad when he gets the race they want. Who said force random was boring. :P )
The next logical thing would be to disable the need to render graphics entirely. Is this feasable/possible in the current .ini structure or would it require a major code change?
Another nice feature would be to spawn a child that could run as a dedicated process on another box. Graphics mode would be disabled of course but could be implimented like the old Warcraft "Spawn a copy" process (which I wish more comapnies did...but that's better off discussed somehwere else.)
Thanks for the time.