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Treacherous Russians?

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  • Treacherous Russians?

    Is it just me, or is Russia a little more "inclined" to perfidy?

    I mean Christ, Russian alliances have always dissolved at the worst times, Russia demands more resources of me during alliances (which I never pay, unless I'm really swamped in a war with another nation), Russia seems to demand resources more often, Russian spies bribe more units than I've ever seen (recently I played a game, I bribed 0 units [bribing is for cowards I say], France bribed 28, Germany bribed 112, and Russia bribed a whopping 648), and Russia seems particularly trigger happy when it comes to nuclear missiles.

    Anyone else notice this? Russia always seems to have the most mechanized army too; while other nations like to throw in foot soldiers with their tanks, I've always seen Russia with a force solely consistant of attack helicopters, tanks, and the occaisional machine gunner (and some miscellaneous air power, but most nations do that).

    Anyone notice this?

    - PTM

  • #2
    Damn I just saved a game in enlightenment and am allied with the russians, hope it works out


    • #3
      Heh. I doubt that BHG made each civilization an individual AI based on that nation's particular political history (Which would be neat, to say the least), but it probably comes down to the facts of hard data for the the Russians. The AI examines it's resource pool and units availible, and the following results are...

      -Increase in Oil production means that the computer has more access to oil; thus oil heavy units such as tanks and helicopters are used to round out the excess resources

      -Cheaper spies that don't die easily allow russians to bribe for frequently, and the computer to do so more often.

      -It demands more resources because Russia recieves virtually no economic bonuses until Industrial. No free units, upgrades, etc

      -The trigger happiness of nuclear missles comes from again, the oil expenditure. More oil= more nukes= more fired


      • #4
        The extra attrition and free upgrades helps them survive till the Industrial.


        • #5
          Tarl got it right but Russians do seem more inclined to use their nukes than other civs for some reason. I've never paid a tribute, how well does it work? I always have a feeling they will be asking for even more in a few minutes so I don't bother. I did have one disastrous result with tributes, I offered a small tribute to a nation that was neutral to ally with me figuring I had nothing to lose and he delared war on me.


          • #6
            Tribute is screwed up alot of times with comps. I've been fighting a multiple front war and then been asked for tribute by my "ally," paid it, and had him IMMEDIATELY ask for more. Once, since I was rich, I kept paying it. I paid like 8 tributes, each asked the momeny I clicked "pay tribute" (seriously, there was no wait time) and finally gave up and clicked reject. Then they declared war on me.

            - PTM

