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Scenario Editor Feature Request

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  • Scenario Editor Feature Request

    I'd like to be able to load the sceanrio without saving and quitting and going to load scenario. If I want to see how many Cuirassers it takes to beat 6 Main Battle Tanks I don't want to thave to save and load every time I make change.

  • #2
    It would be nice to have "barbarian/rebel/etc.." structures that can be captured by whoever finds them first. As well as the ability to place units that defend those structures but don't specifically belong to a nation.
    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


    • #3
      Originally posted by Tassadar5000
      1. Being able to bend the rules. Yes, I want to be able to stick cities in enemy territory. Yes, I want to create supercities with 10 farms and all the wonders.
      Place the farms first, then place the city.

      2. Fix the bug relating to "Edit Terrain"ing.
      What bug? The fact that it smooths the terrain each time you use it? This can be gotten around by simply not editing the map too much.

      Renaming Civs. This is a must.
      Or you could just look at the tutorial scenarios for how you do this. Perhaps I could just tell you: put this into your script file with the appropriate names replaced...

      set_nation_name( "French", $S("Americans") );
      Where French is the original name and Americans is the new one. I put this as the first line in my script for The Battle of Lake Erie.


      • #4
        Darth Veda, that "smoothing" wipes out islands and coastlines, there should at least be an option to turn it off. While the overview for editing is nice, i'd really prefer being to edit it tile by tile on the main screen.
        "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung

