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  • Minefields?

    Barbwaires(dont now if I spell that right),minefields
    (and trenches) on your border!future expansion maybe?or!

  • #2
    We'll see


    • #3
      Mine fields and barbwire. Sounds like a nice idea Pebo, if I understand you correctly. What I really miss in RoN is walls. I really miss being able to stop an enemy assault simply by building wall, after wall, after wall. Oh well, beggers can't be choosers.

      BTW: minefields are all well and good in the industrial + age, but what about all the earlier ages?


      • #4
        Maybe have walls in early ages then minefields in later ages?
        Thats pretty much the way it is in reality isn't it?


        • #5
          Yeah!where is the walls?"Barbarians at the gate"wich gate?

          About walls! to create walls that units can
          walk on is something that I hope future games is taken
          more serious on!
          And also walk thru forests and not around it!!hate that!

          I would like to se the bunkers much lower in size,as it is now there are to high(for my eye),is there any graphic wizard here?


          • #6
            I would like to se the bunkers much lower in size
            Sn00py is doing something that might interest you...
            The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power. Not wealth or luxury or long life or happiness: only power, pure power.

            Join Eventis, the land of spam and unspeakable horrors!


            • #7


              • #8
                Just a thought, I use a variation of this, however more elaboration might be interesting.

                Play on your own maps, place a river down the middle of a continent. On your side, as you also place your capitol in this simple scenerio; set up a single file line of trees up and down what will be to you, your border. Leave three openings fairly well spaced not to wide maybe three or four trees wide. In these openings pre-build forts or towers leaving only room for a road or single or double column of troops to pass. Now you have a long wall with gates of sorts and you can even havest the forest (now wall) for added flavor. Of course note your gates can be stormed or beat down as any good castle could be! Just be prepared to rebuild from time to time unless the hoards pouring through happen to defeat you entirely.

                I hope this helps
                The Graveyard Keeper
                Of Creation Forum
                If I can't answer you don't worry
                I'll send you elsewhere


                • #9
                  *looks at topic and first post and then looks at Pebo-credit for ideas*



                  • #10
                    yeah what a heck the post should be a topic


                    • #11
                      no, i just meant that you read my ideas from the strategies thread and posted them here and now everyone thinks you're smart and they hate me more than ever


                      • #12
                        Ooh! I diddint now that,I havent read your ideas and
                        never been in that forum, Iam sorry for this!
                        I hade never wrote this if I knowed,stupid me!

