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AI and Nukes

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  • #16
    Not sure if the AI actually evaluates a target or not, though the few times its nuked me its been major citys. It might also be other cities not in range. Then again they could just blindfold there leader while he picks one at random. :P I personally use nukes to take out production clusters, few auto-plants/barracks/etc.. all together. Useful right before an invasion so you aren't hit with fresh troops immediatedly. I like and dislike how the AI will stop nuking when armageddon aproaches, a losing AI shouldn't care and nuke everyone to hell. A winning one shouldn't of course.

    Oh and did BHG add a "My words are backed with nuclear weapons!" taunt? If not, we outta start a petition.
    "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung

