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Impossible to conquer Britain

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  • Impossible to conquer Britain

    I want to take Britain out. It declared war on me, and after fighting off their attack I captured Scandinavia from them, leaving them with only a cut-off province in Northern Russia with no army, and of course Britain itself.

    I attacked from France with reinforcements from Scandinavia. This is on Tough setting btw, I'm Germans and Britain had a strength rating of 4. They had the card that doesn't let you use rare resources and I had the card that doubled healing rate and nullified attrition.

    Anyway, I got hit by Britain at the beginning in the form of landing craft. So I just build ships to destroy the landing crafts which worked pretty well. They were using primarily longbowmen with some heavy infantry and cavalry thrown in. I built Javelins to counter them. When I tried to expand my navy I was destroyed by theirs. Out of nowhere a huge mob of ships would come out and own me, but only when I was near their shore.

    In gunpowder age I attacked the long strip of land to the east of me(the Brits had London on a chunk of land in the upper corner of the map with the aforementioned strip of land below it). But the moment I attacked, I was totally mobbed by the enemy. My army consisted of Arquebuses (upgraded Javelins) and some heavy infantry. The computer is on Tough so it naturally instantly adapts to my unit mix, so it built some cavalry to counter my Arquebuses, but not very many. They still build hordes of Archers, which never stopped coming. Tons of transports swarmed in from their other island and overwhelmed me.

    I had to reload the game from a savepoint before the attack several times. After something like two and a half hours of play, I formulated a plan in which I sent a small group of troops to attack London, the smaller northern island. When I started fighting with the troops over at the target island, I attacked London with my raiding part. The hordes of transports coming to own me turned around, and the British were drawn off to defend the feint. In the meantime I successfully managed to capture one of the two cities in the long island, and was constantly reinforcing it so by the time the British arrived from the north island the city was at 70% assimilated and my troops were arranged to defend, and I was destroying their barracks and stables.

    This is where it was a stalemate. Heres a screenshot of the situation after a while of fighting:

    (url is if the IMG code doesn't work)

    As you can see I've captured part of the larger island. They keep sending large armies to take it back. The stalemate is tipping towards their favor as they employ bombard ships to attack me from the shore, and my Navy can't touch theirs, because they just have so many ships . the large formation in the ocean that you can see on the mini-map is a large army headed towards the northern island with London. The invasion of course fails. I mange to captured one of the cities there, but before it gets assimilated I am swamped by hordes of troops that are being built from all the barracks on the island, along with reinforcements from their southern island. And when reinforcements from their southern island where the stalemate is at leave to aid London, by the time I start getting their second city down they come back and kill me. Even if I did manage to completely captured that city in the northern island, I still have to deal with London and a couple of others, with enemy troops being built all along.

    What am I going to do? Does anyone have any suggestions as to beat them? When I resign from the battle they immediately attack my Scandinavia... and I hate defending against the Brits when they're attacking from their island, because the map is split between my European country that I'm defending, a channel of water, and a small tip of Britain where they are staging their attack from. I have no choice but to just hold out for the 90 minutes, because counter-attacking the British at their staging point is impossible, since they are so highly concentrated.

    I don't think waiting until later ages is going to make a difference. Britain would have eight Strength points by Modern age through age advancement alone, assuming they don't also spend tribute to upgrade even more.

  • #2
    Just give it up, Britain owns


    • #3
      actually, your big flaw was your perfectionistic style of play, and over-focus on the navies caused you to neglect city building, from your map, the brits have you beat on total cities which means they are bringing in substantially more wealth and thus are able to purchase everything 'cept knowledge.

      they own u.
      First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
      Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


      • #4
        Ok i guess im owned on the navies part... trying to split things half and half didn't get me anywhere. But I don't get what you mean by "perfectionist"??


        • #5
          You only have 148 out of 200 men built... GET BUILDING TROOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!


          • #6
            too many resources spent improving your few cities instead of creating more cities right away
            First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
            Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


            • #7

              Well, what others said may be true, I'm still playing at Moderate and finding it about the last pleasureable level of play. However, I never and I mean NEVER let the enemy have naval superiority. I put at least one dock up as soon as possible, even before my second city, if I can get to the coast that fast.

              I've taken Brittain from the other direction (Greenland) and that was how I did it. It was a very tough struggle, but any battle near the coast is helped immensely by my fleet sitting off the coast, bombarding them. Also, having all those fishing ships doesn't hurt, either.

              In my case, it was made easier by playing a Sabotage and a "They can't use their power" card (taking them from a 7 to a 5), but that principle applies to any water map in CTW. I think. All IMHO, of course. Good luck.
              Write, edit, I've got the pen,
              V'ger gone


              • #8
                Use Fire ships like crazy. They are cheap and are bult fast. Each one can take out an enemy ship in one hit. Don't bother building any other ship type in quantity.

                Also try doing an economic boom against them. I find that I can overwhelm my enemies before they get more than 4 cities built and none of them are upgraded sufficiently. As I take their the enemies small cities, I use them as military outposts and continue to boom my base cities.

