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controling air military

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  • controling air military

    i love using air millitary
    but its pretty hard to control it
    how to make the unit attack automaticly ??
    im using startegy bomber and attack one building,after the building collapse,the units still go there and dont do anything...

  • #2
    since I usually have an airfield dedicated to bombers, I make a control group out of that. I hit the unit key that I assigned, then shift+right click on a building. It sends everything that is ready to attack. If things start looking bad for my bombers, I hit the select my airbase again and then hit "Y". They all go home then.


    • #3
      shift + right for what ??


      • #4
        If you select the airbase and click on the ground it will send one of the planes out on a "targets of opertunity" mission. If it's a fighter it will target any ground units in the area around where you clicked. If it's a bomber it will target buildings.

        If you right click multiple times, it will send 1 plane for each right click. If you shift+Right click, it will empty the airbase of all planes and send them to that right click.

        I think it's also smart enough so that if you have bombers/fighters and you right click on a building it will send bombers and if you right click on units it will send fighters.

        And of course, if you want to change their missoin recall them (to refuel) then click again on a diff spot.
        "I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
        - UberKruX


        • #5
          thx so much gangs


          • #6
            Read this thread which I posted last week.
            Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.

