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ERROR: "Your graphics card is not supported, and no we won't let you even try it."

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  • ERROR: "Your graphics card is not supported, and no we won't let you even try it."

    My friend and I got this game so we could play multiplayer games together, but there is a problem. It won't run on his system!

    He's a computer dunce, so I couldn't get his exact specs out of him, but I do know that he's got a 16 mb built in graphics card and that it runs Empire Earth fine.

    Now the box said it required at least a 16 mb graphics card so it SHOULD work, but whenever he tries to run the game it says some kind of error about him either not having a supported card or that he doesn't have enough card memory.

    It doesn't even go into the game!

    This is driving us nuts since we haven't been able to play a strategy game togerther since aok! We both got empire earth awhile back but it never worked on my system, so now we got THIS and it doesn't work on HIS.

    Very frustraiting, this is such a GREAT game.

    Is there anyway to "force" the game to run reguardless of it supporting the card or not?

    Seems silly that it gives a message about not supporting the card and then it just exits without letting the user actually try the game out anyway at his own risk.

    Now I know alot of people will want to reply with "BUY NEW HARDWARE" but just don't. This isn't an option and not everyone can even afford to spend even just 50 dollars on a graphics card. It was hard enough for him to afford getting the game even with me pitching in, but if he needs new hardware then he's just gonna return the game.

    So BHG, is there any way to "force" the game to run even if the graphics card isn't supported? Thanks...


  • #2
    Again, this is another thing that I have tried on another comp (thankfully, mine runs RoN perfectly), just for the sake of it. And I didn't find an option... RoN is using a database of video cards to determine how to render stuff and what API to use... if you forced it to run with an unsupported video card, it couldn't draw the stuff, that's why it quits with unsupported video cards.

    BHG, of course, tried to support as many cards as possible - those unsupported just aren't good or versatile or something enough to do all the stuff that RoN needs.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Ugh crap. That stinks.

      I talked to my friend and he said he's gonna keep it anyway. He said he's going to try to get a new system in a year after he can pay off his tuition. Ouch.

      I wish there was a way just to turn off the things that aren't supported by the card.



      • #4
        Nahh... that's the way it works for most cards. Soem cards, for instance, turn water waves off to work. A card absolutely unsupported would require like almost everything turned off... would you like to see some hexagons running around instead of units, also without even ever being able to see command buttons?
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • #5
          Well... YES.

          I don't care what HE sees, just as long as we can play. :P

          But we figured out the problem, he has a 3dfx Voodoo 3 3000.



