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need help. pc alwasy got the leg up on tech!

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  • need help. pc alwasy got the leg up on tech!


    the computer is always killing me in tech. any three step solutions to gaining tech super quickly?

    in a conquest mission (90 minutes) with enemies occassionally attacking...

    priority should be:

    a) economy and resources?
    b) military?
    c) research?

    is it better to build more resources bases or is it better to use the resources to research techs that provide better efficiency?

    with less raw materials, the pc has somehow generated a military thats approx. 2x my size and about 8 techs (included techs at temple, granary, etc) ahead!!


    help. i'm loving this game but can't get over the fact that i'm too narded to beat moderate!!

  • #2
    Couple things:

    First, start off on easier difficulty. Unlike other games, Moderate in RoN is quite challenging. Also, use slower than Normal speed (which is also very speedy, especially after you get four or five cities going), and remember to pause when you need to.

    Second: in a long conquest mission, ALL the things you mention are a priority. You should take a balanced approach to building. Keep your resources at or near the econ. limit, but don't go over. Reassign workers if you have one resource blinking but others not at the limit.

    As soon as you get a chance, build the resource efficiency buildings (granary, lumber mill, smelter). They let you get more resources with less citizens, which means more available population for military units.

    For your military, start off with a tower at every city, preferrably set in a choke point or an approach the enemy will likely take to your city. The tower will slow them enough to let you bring in reinforcements, and will damage the raiding troops.

    For your own military, until you're skilled enough to start an early offensive, start off by building ranged defensive units (archers and siege) with some heavy infantry to protect them. Once you have your defense covered, then start building a balanced assault force. Always build a fortress and get a general or two with each group of military forces (offensive or defensive). In addition to their abilites, generals provide combat bonuses to any troops near them.

    When you get a better handle on troop building, start thinking about building raiding parties of light or ranged cavalry. Hit and run raids on enemy citizens can give you a good edge. Just make sure you have defenses set up at home, because like human players, that sort of thing tends to provoke the AI to attack.

    Most importantly, if you have surplus resources, SPEND THEM. Research something, build some military. If you are playing at a slower speed, this won't likely be a problem, but when the game gets going faster, sometimes you get involved in a battle and the resources pile up. Don't let them.

    Good luck!
    _/\ C
    Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud.


    • #3
      here's my BO

      1: research science and civic
      2: send the scout around with way points (shift click around the minimap)
      3: fill the woodcutter hut thing, then max out farms, then send out a citizen to build a city

      that's how i usually start my game.

      after that, it's a toss up. normally i research commerce afterward, then either another level of sci or age increase.

      always push your commerce and city limit to the max.

      you need at LEAST 2 universities. always have at least 1 temple, get taxation. don't be afraid to buy/sell stuff at the market (Hotkey: N). Hotkey: Tab is your best research friend.

      Make sure you get at least one tower, because the tower lets you research attrition damage, which really contains early cpu rushes.

      When it comes to military, I usually build 2 barracks, 2 stable, 1 siege factory. I usually load up on light infantry, archers, and light cavalry. It pretty much counters anything with good micro (then again, any 3-unit combo that adjusts for its weaknesses counters anything with good micro). I usually try to attack in the third Age, make sure when you attack you bring at least 2 supply wagons and siege. Bring a general because he increases the armor of the units around him by 2.

      Priority always, always goes to econ and city building. Make sure you grab craploads of territory and resources. That's so important. Those who control resources most effectively are usually the ones who win.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kainzero
        I usually load up on light infantry, archers, and light cavalry. It pretty much counters anything with good micro (then again, any 3-unit combo that adjusts for its weaknesses counters anything with good micro).
        This combination is actually weak to heavy cavalry. I would swap either the light inf or archers for heavy infantry. If you're thinking more offensively, drop the light inf, defensively, drop the archers. Another reason to make this swap is that light inf and archers both upgrade to the same unit line, gunpowder inf, meaning your army would lose diversity later on.

        If you drop light inf, then you will want to use your cavalry to attack enemy archers. If you drop the archers, then you have no counter to heavy inf so your own heavy inf will have to attack enemy heavy inf.
        Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.


        • #5
          quality help!

          thanks people!

          one question about reassigning citizens. what's the quickest way to reassign them from a surplus industry to needy industry.

          do i just grab them or is there a hotkey?


          • #6
            This combination is actually weak to heavy cavalry. I would swap either the light inf or archers for heavy infantry. If you're thinking more offensively, drop the light inf, defensively, drop the archers. Another reason to make this swap is that light inf and archers both upgrade to the same unit line, gunpowder inf, meaning your army would lose diversity later on.

            If you drop light inf, then you will want to use your cavalry to attack enemy archers. If you drop the archers, then you have no counter to heavy inf so your own heavy inf will have to attack enemy heavy inf.
            oh yeah, the light inf and archer thing. at that point it then becomes light inf-light cav-sword cav.

            the unit combo works well against the computer because he pretty much masses the same thing.

            thinking about it, a heavy inf-heavy cav-horse archer combo would probably decimate that group.

            no hotkey to reassign citizens, although either "," or "." gets idle citizens.


            • #7
              There's a hotkey for idle citizens (.), but to reassign workers you have to use the mouse.
              _/\ C
              Sturgeon's Law: 90% of everything is crud.


              • #8
                Originally posted by kainzero

                oh yeah, the light inf and archer thing. at that point it then becomes light inf-light cav-sword cav.

                the unit combo works well against the computer because he pretty much masses the same thing.

                thinking about it, a heavy inf-heavy cav-horse archer combo would probably decimate that group.
                Not really. I assume by sword cav you mean light cav. If you target your light cav on the enemy's horse archers, they will win easily. Then your heavy inf would match up evenly against the enemy's heavy inf, and your light inf would lose to the enemy's heavy cav.
                Firaxis - please make an updated version of Colonization! That game was the best, even if it was a little un-PC.

