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  • Missiles?

    Does anybody else just love missiles as much as I do? I find that if I build 5 or 6 missile batteries, it makes a world of difference, especially after I research Cruise Missile. They are fast, apparently impossible to shoot down, and a single shot will destroy an entire building, plus do a fair amount of collateral damage. I send them off behind enemy lines to take out barracks, auto plants, and factories, thus destroying my opponents ability do build his army.

    I have seen the AI build missile silos, but I have yet to see any launches. Of course I have spent most of my time up until now on Easy, trying to get a good feel for the game. Perhaps things are different on the harder levels?

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world...

    Those who can read binary, and those who can't.

  • #2
    Play against a tough comp, and let him get ahead of you in building nukes. My territory got pounded by 9 successive ICBMs, followed by a huge invasion force.

    Good thing I managed to survive long enough to build a silo of my own and launch a nuke of my own.


    • #3
      If you hear an air raid siren (without the "nuclear launch detected), then your enemy has launched a conventional missle.
      "I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
      - UberKruX


      • #4
        The AI only builds nukes as far as I know. I've never seen them build cruise missiles. However they do throw aroudn the nukes like water.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Bridger
          If you hear an air raid siren (without the "nuclear launch detected), then your enemy has launched a conventional missle.
          You also hear the air raid siren for (drum roll) air raids! At least that's when I've heard it, without missiles being launched.

