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I feel like an idiot, but here's what upped the framerate for me to 50+ in the game:

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  • I feel like an idiot, but here's what upped the framerate for me to 50+ in the game:

    Yeah, I was the W A N K E R complaining about slow fps in his game on his 1800+ amd gf4 4400... here's what seems to have upped the fps for me significantly:


    I had anisotropic (sp) filtering up to 8x(!) Dropped it to none (which would be obvious for this game if I had a brain) and kept AA at 2x, and suddenly the early game is up to 100fps with all details on.

    I post just in case there is another person out there like me who jacked up the anisotopic filtering up to maxmum at one time for some reason... check you settings out.

  • #2
    An easy mistake to make!


    • #3
      Where do I change these settings? Inside RoN or on my graphic card properties?
      I watched you fall. I think I pushed.


      • #4
        Your graphic card properties. Righ click on desktop- properties- settings- advanced, in some versions of windows.


        • #5
          Way to go Dearmad. We hear lots of complaining by people who blame the game for this or that when it's simply a misconfigured PC.

          Glad to see at least one person admits this. Kudos.


          • #6
            You really have to ask yourself if AA is noticeable beyond 4x


            • #7
              how do u change this on ME?


              • #8
                Perhaps RoN should try to override your AF setting to 'off', since I don't see it having any affect on a basically 2D game like this.


                • #9
                  I just don't understand why video cards even bother with these options. I've found that even a decent computer (Athlon XP 1700+ GF4 4200) will only just get up to the sweet spot (60+ FPS) in the newer games. I've never even seen AA or Ansioatropic Filtering because i could never afford the FPS dent. Maybe on a 3Ghz and Radion 9800 i could use these options, but not on the typical mid-range gaming PC.
                  "I just nuked some poor bastard still in the Enlightenment age. that radioactive mushroom cloud sure enlightened his ass."
                  - UberKruX


                  • #10
                    What is anisotropic filtering?

                    btw, I like how 2000 and higher antialias text


                    • #11
                      It's for filtering textures in depth, as I understand it. RoN IS a 3d game, so 2x AA helps a little (I noticed) but AF doesn't do anything for this game due to the painted nature of the textures.

                      In ME you can turn it off by right clicking on desktop -properties- settings- advanced- then on your video card's tab.


                      • #12
                        I never liked AA or AF- just makes everything look blurred. But even without using these, I still only get around 35fps max.

                        I'm almost thinking my first generation Gf3 card is to blame.


                        • #13
                          AA and AF don't make anything look blurred. I play BF1942 4xAA and 8xAF. Looks excellent. Once you play without jaggies you'll never go back.

                          Not sure how it affects RoN though. I thought I noticed a difference with AA. Didn't really affect the framerate.


                          • #14
                            I do not thing that AF makes any good in RON. The only 3D objects in game are units, and the units are so small that their "depth" can be neglected. May be ...
                            Last edited by MxM; May 29, 2003, 00:10.
                            The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so
                            certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts.
                            -- Bertrand Russell


                            • #15
                              MxM yep, I agree with you, although the terrain is 3d too, we don't look off into the distance at a steep enough angle for AF to matter.

