To Save/Load a game (standard or world conquest) is not working if "My Documents" (German version: "Eigene Dateien") is mapped to a DRIVE letter and not to a FOLDER path.
If "My Documents" is mapped to a drive letter, for example "U:\", RoN fails to construct a vaild directory path, displays no path at all in the file box for load/save games and stores any saves into Nirvana.
Move "My Documents" into a folder directory: right-click on "My Documents", select properties and enter the directory name.
To have a separate drive for user data makes backups much easier and prevents long path names. This concept is especially interesting for movable storage devices, for example USB memory sticks.
If "My Documents" is mapped to a drive letter, for example "U:\", RoN fails to construct a vaild directory path, displays no path at all in the file box for load/save games and stores any saves into Nirvana.
Move "My Documents" into a folder directory: right-click on "My Documents", select properties and enter the directory name.
To have a separate drive for user data makes backups much easier and prevents long path names. This concept is especially interesting for movable storage devices, for example USB memory sticks.