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War without end?

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  • War without end?

    Anybody had one of these yet? I mean a game where it went on forever (ie more than 1 hour)?

    I can remember some of my 6 hour games from Age of Kings that ended simply because everybody was tired of playing.

  • #2
    Re: War without end?

    Originally posted by DarthVeda
    Anybody had one of these yet? I mean a game where it went on forever (ie more than 1 hour)?

    I can remember some of my 6 hour games from Age of Kings that ended simply because everybody was tired of playing.
    i've had a MP game go on for 3+ hours, but thats because i was losing, and going kicking and screaming, unlike my quitters i called allies. pansies.
    "I've lived too long with pain. I won't know who I am without it. We have to leave this place, I am almost happy here."
    - Ender, from Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card


    • #3
      Quitters suck!



      • #4
        When I play against 7 comps on diplomacy (all I've played so far) the average game time is about 2 hours.

        But then, I'm also a "n00b" and the comps are on "moderate," and I put teching at "Expensive and Very Slow." If I got better and/or comps were on higher difficulty settings I'm sure the game would be faster as well. But I don't like fast games!

        - PTM


        • #5
          Yeah, just finished a game in SP that lasted 2 and half hours, with pausing and some slow down it was more like 3 and a half though.

          It was great, played on Manges map of Europe as the Romans. Versus seven Tough AIs on diplomacy, allied up wih the Brits who did nothing. Didn't matter since I was the top power already. But then I kept getting tribute demands and invasion forces. By the gunpower age I was being pressed from the west by the French, North by the Germans, and East by the Russians/Turks. Oh, and the Egyptians had been taking pot shots at me for awhile.

          Then all hell breaks loose, French hit me, Germans hit me, Turks hit me. Egyptians land at my capital. I fight off the French, go and take whats left intercept the Turks since the Germans left and lose my force, then the Russians and Turks both hit my northren and northeastren city, and move on to my capital once they take them. So in the space of a like 5-10 mins I lose all but one city.

          But I did have some good luck, after they took my capital the Russians and Turks broke into war, so they left me alone for the most part. The Turks even declared peace along with the Egyptians. I begin to rebuild my shattered empire expecting an invasion anytime, it never comes. What does come is a nuke, from Germany with love.

          So I start to rebuild again, i've got a sizeable force but its outdated. Praetorian Guards and Arquebesquers versus Modern-age Infantry and Tanks. During this time the Germans have driven the Russians and Turks out of Italy and hold all my old cities. I decide its time to gamble and take Rome back, charge my outdated force and meet little resistance. The Egyptians help some by a stream of forces landing in Italy.

          The Germans really didn't like that because they took back Rome then nuked me again. So I rebuild once more, found another city this time and most of my buildings are spread from the city so they don't die in any more nukes. After I get my second city going good I finally get a new harbor and fishing going. Once thats done I upgrade my forces so i'm at least at Industrial age-era troops. The Egyptians have been waging a long bloody war with the Germans at this time and are now pushing them back.

          I take this opurtunnity to launch the second Italian revolt in an effort to reclaim Rome. My Infantry preforms much better and i'm able to fight off their counter attack and build up my old city. The Germans diplomatic as ever toss another nuke onto my twice nuked city. But i'm already rebuilding it before the flash even clears so it doesn't have much effect.

          With my capital back things swing into motion, get a better economy going and a good army assembled. I use artillery to blast my northren city down and capture it, along with Versaiis. After that it was just a matter of rebuilding and updating my forces.

          I end up going on to win. I allie with Egypt and invade Russian held Turkey. Capture all of it and i'm charging into Russia itself after nabbing a couple formerly German cities when we get a wonder victory from a city Egypt captured pushing us to 27. I think I got nuked two more times in my northren city and once in Rome by the Germans, but that wasn't till near the end of the game.

          Was lots of fun though, some careful manuerving and alot of luck allowed me to come back and actually rise to my former glory again. Charging a Leopard Tank with Praetorians was fun too, heh.
          "Every good communist should know political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao tse-Tung


          • #6
            Yesterday I had a 3 hour battle vs Altus (it was on slow speed though).

            He, eh, kicked my ass. But I managed to crawl up while he got tired of it (apparently) and resigned before I even got the chance to turn the tide.
            The game easily could've lasted another 2 hours


            • #7
              I had one of these against a couple computer players when I played an Ancient->Classical RM game. Was quite fun.


              • #8
                Re: War without end?

                Originally posted by DarthVeda
                Anybody had one of these yet? I mean a game where it went on forever (ie more than 1 hour)?

                I can remember some of my 6 hour games from Age of Kings that ended simply because everybody was tired of playing.
                In SP I usually have games last for 6+ hours. This is set to research slow and expensive with 1 computer opponent in a map designed for 4 players. As I'm not a master RTS'er I play on easy and still have a tough time beating the AI to death. RoN great game!

                But for now it's back to ROT3K7!!
                signature not visible until patch comes out.


                • #9
                  My games have all concluded by around the 1 hour mark (longer in 'real time' because I'm playing on slow). The key to avoiding stalemates is to be aggressive, particularly just after you've absorbed an enemy's attack by wiping out his invading army.

                  As you might imagine, the computer is quite adept at rebuilding ... if you let it! But if you capture even one of its cities, things really start to collapse for the AI at that point.
                  I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                  "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                  • #10
                    I find that it is absolutely necessary to turn Capitol Elimination on.

                    Once you reach the point where everyone has tens of thousands of each resource and all the technologies (most importantly the Artificial Intelligence), it is virtually impossible to conquer every single city on the map.


                    • #11
                      My only problem with Capitol Elimination is the game will tend to over-value the capitol at the expense of more easily letting other cities drop. But I suppose if you're often in the late game with tons of resources around, this is a good game option.
                      I've been on these boards for a long time and I still don't know what to think when it comes to you -- FrantzX, December 21, 2001

                      "Yin": Your friendly, neighborhood negative cosmic force.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by yin26
                        The key to avoiding stalemates is to be aggressive, particularly just after you've absorbed an enemy's attack by wiping out his invading army.

                        As you might imagine, the computer is quite adept at rebuilding ... if you let it! But if you capture even one of its cities, things really start to collapse for the AI at that point.
                        That's exactly what I need to start doing to improve my game.
                        signature not visible until patch comes out.


                        • #13
                          I actuallly had a game, where none of us captured an enemy city. I was mongols on East vs west map(i had random map on, standard resources/research, 3 comps, moderate setting). There were 4 islands and we each had an island. I suck at navies and troop landing so I wound up playing a lot of defense. I built enough wonders to get the end clock going but then the Koreans built Space Program. The Ai's were all getting nukes, but luckily I hit missile sheild first. I then got world government and proceeding to nuke/bomb Koreas wonders. I took out the Taj Mahal and the Ankor Wat(I think that is what it was) while the other comp proceeded to attempt to take out my Statue of Liberty and Superconductor. I was able to repair my wonders and kill his bombers and I wound up winning a wonder victory once Korea's Taj Majal was destroyed. One of the more fun games that I have played.


