To Save/Load a game (standard or world conquest) is not working on my computer: if I try to save no file is created, if try to load no file is displayed.
diagnosis: there is NO directory path displayed in the file box if I try to save or load. It looks like RoN tries to save/load to/from Nirvana on my computer. How does RoN calculate the savegame path?
strange: with the scenario or script editor Save/Load is functional - here a valid save/load directory path is displayed in the file box.
diagnosis: there is NO directory path displayed in the file box if I try to save or load. It looks like RoN tries to save/load to/from Nirvana on my computer. How does RoN calculate the savegame path?
strange: with the scenario or script editor Save/Load is functional - here a valid save/load directory path is displayed in the file box.