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Can't figure out how to turn on Paradrop! (SO CLOSE!)

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  • Can't figure out how to turn on Paradrop! (SO CLOSE!)

    Well I turned on the CRAFT ability and the buttons show up (so does Treadblowing) but I'm supposed to research it in the fort- so I added the tech in the techrules.xml but now theg ame own't load saying # of techs doesn't match NUM_TECHS or something...

    Any other modder out there help? Which files controls # of techs... oh why didn't BHG leave paradropping IN!?

  • #2
    cause it probably make certain civs too powerful or too weak i guess...

    but ive had trouble like that trying to add units as well. btw what is treadblowing?
    Are you down with ODV?


    • #3
      I turned it on. It's truly taken out of the game, it crashed me everytime I tried it.

      treadblowing: a unit that could blow the treads of a tank- killing it.


      • #4
        what happends when u make treadblowing show up? is there a unit thats produced? some effects? what?
        Are you down with ODV?


        • #5
          Treadblowing did nothng that I could tell- but I didn't attack tanks with EVERY UNIT possible...

          The paradrop made the button show up and when I clicked it the cursor turned into a little parachute and the text below the age said: SELECT A SPOT TO PARAROP TO, but it crashed as as soon as I selcted a location. Maybe there's still some hope.


          • #6
            i think i recall there were some talk of paratroopers in the game, but they took it out for some reason. the XML may just be showing the paradrop stuff from before, but the code inside is no longer supporting it.
            Are you down with ODV?


            • #7
              I think parachuting spies and special forces would be fun...


              • #8
                i think.. paradropping my Volksgrenadiers into an enemy city would be fun.. hmm..


                • #9
                  Yup, it's a feature I'd like to see in the game- wonder how it made the balance off or the game not fun so they took it out?


                  • #10
                    German paratroopers are called "Fallschirmjaeger" btw, they wouldnt be called "Volkgrenadier" anymore.
                    Are you down with ODV?

