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Game Freezing

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  • Game Freezing

    Having alot of trouble with RoN unfortunately.

    Basically, during both the Conquer the World modes and the quick battle mode, my computer has been doing one of the following after approx. 20 mins of gameplay (each time)

    1. Freezes- I lose sound, game will not move, I am unable to alt-tab out of the game or reset with ctrl-alt-del - I have to turn on and turn off the computer to get it to reset. When the computer resets, I do not get any kind of error message.

    2. Crash to desktop- typically, when it crashes, it doesn't get all the way to the desktop but gets frozen, showing the desktop but no icons. Sometimes, this is accompanied by a high pitch whine from my sound card, unless I turn on and turn off the computer.

    3. Computer completely reboots - this has happened on two occasions- in the middle of the game, with no warning whatsoever, the computer completely reboots. I've sent the error messages to microsoft and their popup screen that "diagnosis" the error has no solutions for me.

    System specs:

    2.6 p4
    1.5 Gigs of Ram
    9700 Radeon Pro
    80 gig HD with 40 gigs free
    SB Audigy card

    I've tried a number of things. I've upgraded all my drivers to make sure I have the latest versions. I've confirmed I have the most recent version of direct X. I've reinstalled the game. I've cleanbooted the computer and tried to play it after a clean boot (when I've done that, it actually crashes the game /boggle). I've put another fan (along with the 3 i have in my case already) into my computer in case its overheating (nothing), checked it for a memory leak (doesn't look like there is one). The kicker is the crash/lockup doesnt happen until 20-30 mins into the game. Not sure what the deal is but its really ruining my experience so far (and I love the game- or at least, I loved the trial version and ran it without a hitch - never had one crash).

    Anyway, I'm emailing back and forth with MS tech support but of course, its reallllly slow dealing with them b/c they dont have any knowledge of the game. So if anybody has any ideas, please post. At this point, I'll try anything.

  • #2
    how i solved the problem

    because mine was freezing/crashing after playing awhile, i simply went to options and changed all graphics from high to low. i have to do this starting around the gunpowder age. after info age, everything slows up again but that's because of all game events (prob too many nations or slow PC on my end).

    good thing is that i haven't had it crash on me since switching to lower graphics and turning off/down in game music.


    • #3
      Jerry, what kind of system are you running?

      I will probably try your suggestion but I've got a pretty high end system and it seems odd I'd have to turn off all the graphic goodness to get the game to run for more than 20 mins.

      Oh well, I've tried just bout everything else.


      • #4
        i just updated my soundcard, vid card, turned off in game music, and checked everything out to make sure all was good.

        20 min in game i crash!!!! :\

        my computer was just custom built 3 months ago.

        AMD Athlon 2000+
        windows xp
        512 mb ddr mem
        geforce 4 ti 4400
        soundblaster live 5.1 gamer
        100 gigs worth of HD
        I still use drx 8.1a-but that should cause it to crash/freeze after its been playing 20-30 min/


        i hope someone gets on this soon and figures this out.

