The game isn't out in Australia yet but I'm thinking of buying of it.
Could someone who is a civ 2 fan, particularly a civ2 multiplayer geek, please give a hardcore civ2 player some idea of the similarities and differences? I'm interested in the views of vet civ2 players, not someone who has only played the game a couple of times.
I'm a confirmed TBS fan and am a little wary of buying an RTS. Like, do the maps look like a world with continents and so forth? How many cities can you build? Can you stop play at certain points? Does the host or the person with the fastest connection get an advantage in multiplayer? Is it possible to play long games without much warfare? How big are the maps? oes the host get a starting tech? (Aargh!!!) Are "diplo" games possible? How about teams?
To give you some idea of where I live on the player scale, I play 1x1x deity civ 2 with a dedicated band of friends. We'll spend up to 30 hours over about 10 sessions and a couple of months playing out a civ 2 game. Usually with 4 players. We play a couple of nights a week, like a poker school.
Could someone who is a civ 2 fan, particularly a civ2 multiplayer geek, please give a hardcore civ2 player some idea of the similarities and differences? I'm interested in the views of vet civ2 players, not someone who has only played the game a couple of times.
I'm a confirmed TBS fan and am a little wary of buying an RTS. Like, do the maps look like a world with continents and so forth? How many cities can you build? Can you stop play at certain points? Does the host or the person with the fastest connection get an advantage in multiplayer? Is it possible to play long games without much warfare? How big are the maps? oes the host get a starting tech? (Aargh!!!) Are "diplo" games possible? How about teams?
To give you some idea of where I live on the player scale, I play 1x1x deity civ 2 with a dedicated band of friends. We'll spend up to 30 hours over about 10 sessions and a couple of months playing out a civ 2 game. Usually with 4 players. We play a couple of nights a week, like a poker school.