If you get to to the end of the tech tree, you get an option of 5 Wonders, World Government, Missile Shield Aritificial Intelligence, etc...
Now, I know most of you win before you even get that far, but I was curious what people think of those Wonders.
I love them, because they are deliberately very powerful and can really give you a final boost to win.
My favorite is the World Government which makes all timer victories and city assimilations instanteneous. This wonder is definitely a game winner.
In one game, I built the WG, and then built a few wonders, thus winning instanteneously with no timer wait!
If you time it right so that the wonders finish right after you complete the WG, you can deny the other nations almost any chance from stopping you!
Now, I know most of you win before you even get that far, but I was curious what people think of those Wonders.
I love them, because they are deliberately very powerful and can really give you a final boost to win.
My favorite is the World Government which makes all timer victories and city assimilations instanteneous. This wonder is definitely a game winner.
In one game, I built the WG, and then built a few wonders, thus winning instanteneously with no timer wait!
If you time it right so that the wonders finish right after you complete the WG, you can deny the other nations almost any chance from stopping you!